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The most important thing to know on your Hero's Journey (this also accelerates your path)

You know when you've been on your path for a while…

And you’ve been faithfully chipping away at the ice block that’s formed itself around your heart,

Around your innate ability to recognize that life is inherently magical…

That somehow it all means something,

And that meaning is big.

You can feel it, right?

The people that will be drawn to this content will get exactly what I mean:

We just have this sense that everything actually could be like a fairytale.

We deeply feel that miracles are a natural, everyday occurrence and that the Universe actually does “revolve around me,”

Thank you very much.

And when we’re told that it should be otherwise it feels like a rip-off.

Like we found ourselves in the early matinee viewing of a Pirates of the Caribbean senior cover band,

When we thought we paid for Johnny Depp in all of his eye-lined, rummed breath, heart-throbbing glory.

Like ehmmmmm, no. Refund please.

I mean, if you really break down what the fairytale entails, it has built in to it one of the most epic, deeply seeded, and Universally respected storyline archetypes Humanity has ever known.

That is the story of the Hero’s Journey.

I'm sure you're familiar....

Our hero goes on this long-winded adventure.

And in the beginning, it's a little drab.

Maybe he or she just appears to be your average Jane or Joe on the surface,

Very clearly plugged into the matrix,

Following the rules and regulations that society has set in place to keep everyone behaving like a good little girl or boy,

We can feel at first that their outer lives mirror the inner reality of feeling like a broken, scared, and pale reflection of what they truly are at their core.

And we see all the metaphors within these storylines play out again and again in their own unique ways:

Meeting that person or receiving a vision that gives them something to fight for (their mission).

Questioning if they really have what it takes to achieve what they know in their hearts they must do (battling their inner demons).

Fighting and falling, meeting moments of victory and moments of defeat (having their wherewithal tested, gaining humility and building resiliency).

To eventually get to the point where they discover that they really did have it in them the whole time;

That everything they were guided to achieve and step into up to that point was actually built-in to who they were at the start of it all.

Which is a great segue into my main point: in most of these stories you may notice that the character doesn't actually become anything,

Rather, they went through a process of releasing all that they were not.

It was about undergoing the intense pressure and heat required to reveal the diamond that always sat at their core.

It was about getting out of their own way.

And so too, on our own individual journeys of being the heroine or hero of our own epic storyline,

We begin to realize that everything we seek is inherently part of what it is we are called to create and what we create is ultimately infused with who we are.

We’re not necessarily gaining knowledge when we pick up books that “change our life,”

We’re not really learning something new when we listen to a lecture or podcast that “shifts our paradigm,”

Rather, we’re striking a familiar chord…

We’re reminded of the melodic tune of our Soul’s Song; our Spirit calls to us those people and resources and circumstances that remind us of an important part of our soul’s expression at that particular point in our journey.

And to get back to the metaphor of the heroine’s journey, you’ve watched the sequels right?

It’s not that she doesn’t meet more challenges or that her happily ever after comes with certain conditions…

Conditions just ask for disappointment, as most of us know by now.

The heroine still meets challenges but she’s played the game enough times that she’s operating from a new, heightened level of baddassery.

She’s familiar enough with her own strengths while still aware of her shortcomings to attack each challenge head on,

Knowing it’s not always an easy fight but that she’ll have what she needs as it’s required of her.

She’s confident in herself to know that when she’s moving in the direction she feels in her heart she’s supposed to move,

Coupled with healthy levels of humility and courage,

Her main role is to simply meet the natural course of events laid out in front of her.

And it’s safe to say she'll not only meet her own expectations when encountering each event,

But much of the time she will be blown away by the version of herself that’s revealed through the process.

I personally love how we're all so drawn to these overarching metaphors and archetypes, it really divulges an aspect of the Heart of Humanity;

We can experience shifts and integrate Light Codes to a deeper level when we hear them in the form of parables or analogies,

Knowing that who’s ready for them will take them in with ease,

And those who are not, the seed will still be planted,

Waiting to bloom in its own perfect timing.

This week’s transmission reveals the most important thing to remember as we trek along the pathway that only we were meant to take.

On one level we can say that we’re constantly in the process of becoming, as we continue to step into sequels and then the sequels to the sequels of our own storylines.

But on a deeper level, if you’ve been paying enough attention,

You’ll realize that as you have these moments of deep soul remembrance,

Of soul retrieval and revelation,

As you’re consistently reminded that you have what it takes and you’ve always had what you’ve needed along the way,

You’ve always been prepped for the next step,

Sometimes just moments before you’re getting ready to put your foot down, the next stepping stone is uncovered...

You’ll start to recognize that you’ve always had the capacity to be free,

Most things end up working themselves out the way they’re going to work themselves out,

Oftentimes landing us in a much better position than our learned anxieties would try to convince us they will.

We begin to realize that we could’ve just been enjoying the shortness of this entire story the whole time,

We could have been enjoying the space between “waiting to hear news,”

Or enjoying this chapter that we’re in now,

Knowing through gained wisdom and hindsight how short past chapters really were,

Even though sometimes in the midst of things it can feel like we’re in places and spaces a lot longer than we are in actuality.

Rather than working ourselves up over it,

We get to a point when we’re doing our best to live in accordance with our Highest Ideals

– important to not get confused with the ideals of our society or those around us, rather, the ideals of our Celestial Soul –

We notice that as our storylines seem to unfold almost effortlessly before us, it causes us to beg the question: am I really creating this? Or am I stepping onto my Highest Path as it's revealing and diverging itself along the way...

When we do the work of clearing our inner channels the outer narrative shifts in ways that are oftentimes inconceivable to our rational minds.

As you continue to open to your Highest Expression, you welcome The Higher Mind to flow through you;

Less and less it feels like you're the conductor,

And more and more it feels like you're an audience member of the Grand Symphony, although you find yourself in the conductor's role.

And as we purify, much of the time what we think we want in the beginning, the carrots-on-the-stick that propel us in certain directions, end up proving to serve their purpose:

To get us moving in a specific direction.

Sometimes those desires play themselves out and sometimes they were only meant to get us to a certain point.

If we can understand the role we play as Bearers of Light is to simply show up where we're being called, to release what it is that we think that we want on an individual level,

We will find ourselves taking shortcuts to those more Expanded Horizons,

We are restored the years that the locusts have eaten...

It’s like you spread your wings and in so doing you declare to the Universe your intention to do all that you can to live in alignment with your purpose,

And the Unmatchable Winds of Universal Powers come swooping in, giving you the extra push you need.

And while to others it may seem like you’re soaring high and doing all the work yourself to maintain flight,

You know deep down that your biggest role in all of it was just opening your wings,

Opening your heart to the possibility that you could become something great;

Whatever great means and looks and feels to you,

You just keep showing up to your Divine Assignments,

And much of the time you’ll be surprised along the way at the Strength of Spirit that was within you all along,

Just beckoning permission to carry you along,

Reminding you that you’re not alone,

You were never alone,

And it truly can be an Adventure of a Lifetime,

With all the pitfalls and celebrations that come along with it.

In this video I bring more depth to this topic.

Remember that these written transmissions and their respective videos are complimentary,

They support one another,

But contain their own codes and angles.

May we all recognize that we’ve always been free,

And in so doing realize in greater magnitude, the Magic that was always meant for us.

Here’s to your journey, my friend!

Travel Light,




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