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Why the Heart of Our Planet Is Breaking & Why It’s Actually a Positive Thing

It can be unnerving for many; uncertainty is on the rise and fear energy is growing at an exponential rate. Old structures are falling apart left and right. What has been steady and foundational and reliable for many people is being eaten alive, chewed apart, and spit back out. For a lot of people it feels like the rug is being pulled out from under them with little time in between events to regather their footing.

Allow me to reassure you that all the chaos ensuing in and around you is part of a bigger process happening on a cosmic level.

Bear with me - I’m breaking this down initially from a more metaphysical perspective but regardless of your knowledge with terms being used I think the analogy will be easy to digest universally.

Consider a single cell that contains the blueprint for an entire breathing, sensing, operating human being. A human being is like a single cell in relation to the breathing, sensing, operating planet that we reside inseparably from. To put it short: we are in the belly of grounding higher frequencies onto the planet. From another perspective you can say we are shifting into another timeline of Earth entirely that requires us to embrace a set of lenses that has compassion, understanding, acceptance, and yes – love as it’s filter.

Many of us through events in our lives have learned that having an open heart is not a safe way to operate. We’ve been hurt, betrayed, abandoned, ridiculed, embarrassed, shamed – we have case after case that supports the idea that this is not a safe world to live in with an open heart.

Instead many of us walk around pretending. We conduct ourselves in a way that assumes what the accumulation of experiences up to this point in time suggests is going to win us the most amount of approval from the most amount of people. Our guards are up. We so badly crave true connection but the bitter echo of rejection keeps our inner sanctum blocked. It’s counter-intuitive from what we desire– which is to just be seen and loved by others just as we are.

Moreover, if you can’t let down your walls nothing comes in but also nothing can genuinely go out. Afraid of being unguarded, many of us are perfectly fine with receiving scraps; de-fragmented bits of what we can get. Barely able to nourish and fill our love tanks we can find ourselves in a perpetual cycle of quick fixes. The idolization of the number of validating “thumbs up” beneath a post and a “swipe left/right” culture continues to layer on the icing of not enough-ness and surface level interactions so many suffer with today. I know for sure this is not how people want to intentionally feel but I also think we haven’t been demonstrated the proper tools on how to be a heart-centered being.

Now, back to how this relates to what’s happening on our planet.

When you look at our energetic system, the chakras, you see three major lower chakras which connect us to this physical plane. Then there are the three upper chakras which connect us to the astral and heavenly realms. The chakra that sits smack dab center of those is the heart.

So how does our planet -which has a soul and is just as alive and breathing as we are- instigate the merging of heaven and earth, spirit and flesh? How do we open the valve that serves as the fulcrum point for this Divine Marriage? Let’s create scenarios where on a micro and macro level we are encouraged to look at the way we’ve been living. We’re being invited to look at how we have or have not been showing up to the best of our abilities, as the powerful and sovereign beings that lie at the core of who we All are.

You see this on a macro level with our soul family in Australia feeling the emotional storms of Gaia herself with the fires and now the floods, all the way to China with what our soul family is in the midst of clearing for our planet on that side of the globe.

The passing of Kobe Bryant was such an emotionally charged couple of days for me not because I knew in depth his story or could even tell you anything about basketball except “get the ball through the hoop” but because of what he represented for millions. Every major country experienced the pain of his and his daughter’s tragic passing. Images of the last few minutes on-board the aircraft continue to haunt the dreamscape of many, creating a reverberation of heartache across the globe.

I’ve heard so many of my soul brothers say that either they and/or their close male friends have cried about it more than one time. I’ve never known of so many cases in my personal life were men were so transparent about their emotional states outside of the metaphysical/spiritual world and other rare settings.

From my own experience of loss and grief and heartbreak, there’s a new level of tenderness that begins to develop. There is a heightened level of acceptance for The Way it All works. The Circle.

There’s gratitude for the normalcy that still does exist in our own lives. For the health of our families, for the rich healing nature of a deep belly laughter shared with a fellow soul navigating their own journey. Over time we become more tolerable and in flow with the way things are. Because if we don’t change our ways, if we don’t change the lenses through which we see and interpret our worlds, we will truly drive ourselves mad. When you’re being overtaken by a hell fire all you care about is how to get tf out. Suffering really does lead to awakening if we’re hungry enough for freedom.

It’s no surprise how everything that’s been happening right now is here to literally break open our hearts. And what we know about a heart being broken is that what was once imbalanced, out of touch, or calcified now has the potential to be nurtured to fullness. To finally be felt as a safe space to operate from despite what's playing out on the screen of our lives. In a time where we are virtually, through internet and media, more connected than ever before our souls are all conspiring behind the Big Curtain: it’s time to take this connection to the next level and remember we are The One playing the role of many.

Just as the tides have no choice but to respond to the phases of the moon, just as the rose is no separate from the sun that nourishes it’s growth, how in tune you are with your own heart effects how much of your true essence I am able to experience, integrate, and thus birth into the world in my own way.

We are undeniably connected, friends.

As always, my intention for this article is to leave you feeling a bit more at ease with whatever your systems are processing and to remind you that you are not alone in your experience.

Let me know how it sits. Much love.

5 themes during this heart reemergence & 7 tips on how to work with the energy.

#1 Feeling extremely tired and fatigued even if nothing has really changed in your weekly schedule or normal energy exertion levels.

Especially relevant for my healers and feelers, which if you’re guided to my work you most likely are both. Our systems are running an immense amount of energy all the time but levels continue to ramp up as we progress along this purification process. When Creator or Universe – whatever you want to call it – sees that there is an open vessel willing and ready to serve in the name of Light, that vessel/person will then be given many different assignments throughout their time being here which executes on our unified mission as a planet. This includes the sifting and shifting of our stuff, our ancestors’ stuff, and the stuff of the groups and communities that we find ourselves operating within the most.

Tip #1: Honor the pause. Exhaustion is your indication that there are new codes being activated in your field and old codes dying away. The active, thinking mind zaps an enormous amount of energy especially when there’s something we’re fearful or worried about. When we a nap, when we give ourselves permission to rest the monkey mind, we open the doorway for source energy to enter our systems and clean house. Meditation and breath-work, popping on a movie, something that allows you to find a healthy detachment from externalities will all help integrate this energy.

#2 Sickness, illness, disease, in some cases leaving of the physical vessel (including passing in bizarre/unexpected ways)

I know not everyone will agree but I am a firm believer that what happens to our physical bodies is the result of our spiritual and energetic bodies. Sickness and illness give many people the permission slip they subconsciously desire to slow down. To breathe and to reset To re-prioritize what is and is not important. Our society puts soooo much emphasis on the go-go-go-ness. We’re applauded for being productive and busy and for how many globs of hair we’ve managed to pull out by the end of each week. What I know to be true about moving too quickly and putting too much emphasis on external action is that my inner world is always left so high and dry to the point that the things that I’m working so hard for (my daughter, healthy relationships, peace and fulfillment in life) are actually suffering the most.

Many bodies right now are processing various levels of uncertainty in their lives, deeply fearing this seemingly apocalyptic time we are in. It leaves us more susceptible to receiving and accepting the codes of decay in general, welcoming in sickness.

Tip #2: Forest bathing. Go take a long walk surrounded by green trees and plants, the color that is attributed with the heart chakra. Leave behind your electronics, if it’s safe to do so of course. There’s a reason we feel so refreshed by Nature. Deeply breathe in her essence. She’s very much alive, sending us selfless healing even if we don’t have the awareness of her doing so.

#3 Feeling more triggered than usual, in a much deeper way than usual (the “I thought I worked through this already” energy)

Because of the massive karmic and past life purges occurring we can be left feeling extremely heavy energetically. There are three trends I’m noticing around deep wounds being felt and released at this time:

a) Sometimes it can feel like there’s no external reason why we feel so charged. This may be an indication that you’re feeling into timelines/lifetimes where at this age or during a similar phase of life you had certain events happen that deeply impressed specific codes into your energetic body.

b) Taking a remorseful gaze into the past upon decisions that you made or events that transpired that felt out of your best judgement/decision making abilities. At the time of the event it may have felt like you were watching yourself from a third party perspective do the thing you knew better than to do. Even if you already did a clearing practice or ceremony you may be feeling guilt or shame or sadness from those events more than ever. This third party viewing is also an indication of heavy karma being cleared as old patterns that kept you bound in past versions and/or lifetimes can be seen and freed by the more elevated level you now embody.

c) For most people right now, it's pretty obvious what it is (or should I say “who it is”) we’re being triggered by. We can even be left feeling annoyed that we’ve yet again given our power away to a dynamic that really doesn’t deserve the expenditure of our precious energy. From overwhelm, agitation, envy, bitterness, sadness and grief, emotions are at an all-time high, baring all of their snarly teeth with absolutely no leftover fucks to spare.

Tip #3: When you’re feeling tunnel vision on that person or that situation, zoom waaaay way out and remember the bigger picture. We’re all providing loving reflections for each other. Even if the smaller, human self doesn’t have the capacity to understand the way the Higher Self operates just trust that what is happening is leading to bigger and brighter realities, no matter how uncomfortable the purging process feels. Right now our spirits are coordinating like never before with the souls of others within our community or tribe to act in ways that will trigger deep wounds that haven’t had the compassion they need to be fully integrated.

All of this just reminds me personally the importance of having more grace for myself and others. We will never fully know the extent at which others are putting in the unseen work.

Tip #4: Be wary of the impulsive reactions that may try to guide decision making right now. Wait until all emotions have smoothed over before making any decisions that will affect your current trajectory in the long run. It’s easy to feel these emotions and think they require an action step when most of the time they just require a healthy outlet and/or a reconfiguration of expectations and boundaries. There’s no rush to any of this. Take your time.

#4 Feeling like you’re not doing enough to contribute to the planet/feeling like you’re running out of time to execute your mission.

A healthy amount of tension is required for forward movement in any area. The energy of “I’m not doing enough” and “I’m running out of time”, as uncomfortable as they may feel in the moment, are spring loading your faith-based leap into action.

It’s important to remember that not all beings have the soul codes of being so externalized and active in their expression. The energy of distress around your purpose may be caused by a conflict of societal beliefs and soul integrity.

For some of us it’s more in our soul’s alignment to serve as the stabilizers/grounders of the heavenly realms. These beings naturally gravitate towards more introverted ways of being. They exude an energy of peace and flow and simplicity. They may not be the ones taking the role of new start-ups, projects, and organizations but they are most definitely just as needed at this time. Important: this is not to say that we don’t fluctuate between polarities during a lifetime and even during a day but it’s simply to reiterate the proposition that your ideas of how it “should” look may be getting in the way of what is actually meant to come through you during the phase you’re currently in.

For those who are called to take a more actualized role in the planetary upgrade, it can feel like you’re being met with both internal and external roadblocks. Maybe your inner critic has increased in its narrative as soon as you publish your work for the world to see. Maybe you feel lackluster and doubtful when it comes to sitting down and executing. Maybe the things you have tried to execute on didn’t turn out the way you had envisioned exactly. Supplies are breaking, funds for projects are diminishing, things are figuratively and very literally in some cases blowing up around you. You feel like you’re chomping at the bit to fulfill your purpose.

If these are the predominant energies you’ve been feeling rest assured that it's a good sign. The goal for any healthy organism is for all of its moving parts to be operating in a way that is symbiotic and harmonious. When we each tune IN to our individual alignment and tune OUT what other’s think is in our best interest we become the perfect piece to the overarching puzzle.

Tip #5: Your energy and alignment won’t mislead you but be sure when you’re feeling the purge of doubt energy that you don’t take it as an indication to stop moving forward. Being aware of how the releasing of old personalities works (metaphysics) can really assist in remaining on your highest path even while the discomfort of reconfiguration is tantalizing.

#5 Feeling misunderstood, not seen, undervalued, and/or unappreciated by others

Before you wonder whether or not you have the support of others first tune in to whether or not you're on your own team. Heart-based spiritual leader Matt Kahn says it perfectly: How you believe others view you only reveals what you think about yourself. What they actually think of you is none of your business unless they feel so inclined to share it with you. Even then it's a choice whether or not you accept their offering.

When we find ourselves bound to external acknowledgement as our guideposts we can be led down avenues that don’t support what our heart is truly wanting to birth into reality.

I come from a family of educators. My grandma was the Commissioner of Education for the state of Alaska, she was one of the first female superintendents in Alaska, she has served on the board of colleges, and even founded a non-profit to assist communities and individuals in creating bright futures. Her vision is centered on education – the traditional structure we’ve seen it as – on being the vehicle to a successful and bountiful life. When we talk she often asks me if I ever intend to use the Bachelor's in Business that I earned almost five years ago to create security for myself and my daughter.

I love my grandma, I love the guidance and love she has provided me throughout my life, but our ideals are very different. We have the same mission, to uplift and serve the planet. Her lens of how that can be achieved is different from my lens of how that can be achieved but both of us are here as beacons for a certain demographic of individuals that otherwise wouldn’t be reachable.

Being misunderstood is one of those funny dichotomies because even if people don’t understand the “why” behind how you’re called to live they will most definitely feel you lifting and shifting to higher versions of self. If they are truly on your team, they’ll support whatever form that takes.

Tip #6: Call upon the strength and support of your soul tribe when you're feeling angst about your purpose. Whether we actually have “evidence” of being devalued or it’s a mental game our ego is playing with us it can be necessary, helpful, and downright crucial to lean on our brothers and sisters of Light.

When we are going through a lot energetically our own lenses can become so foggy we can temporarily lose sight of The Vision. Your cosmic family is here remind you what you already know to be true. Don’t let it come as a surprise that the star family you touch base with during this time, no matter how scattered across the globe they may be, are going through many of the same lessons and purges that you are.

From this sacred space of trust and reassurance your interaction becomes a two way mirror in which you are both/all providing loving reminders for each other that you’re right on track. Don’t underestimate the power of this.

Tip #7: Don’t allow feeling like a burden or embarrassment of asking for help stop you from reaching out. Those cosmic siblings you are guided to call upon have ingrained in their DNA the same desire to uplift and serve as you do. These types of conversations are like recharging and renewing your batteries and serve both parties immensely.


As always, if you're guided to leave a comment or share an experience of how this relates to you, please do. There is someone who is waiting to receive the gift of your wisdom.

Until next time, here we are.



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