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Why my hair is different. Metaphysics 101.

Throughout my years being incarnate on this lovely planet it's been a very noticeable pattern that I go through crazy, like INSANE, activation periods.

Maybe I'm not alone in this. Maybe it's my Scorpio Rising in Sidereal. Maybe it's because I need drastic endings and permission slips in order to make the bold move I know I need to make or embody the more expanded version I know I need to embody;

I just can't help but notice that my transition periods are never subtle. They are usually borderline catastrophic and on display for everyone to see. Which I also have come to accept is part of the role I've come to serve for humanity at this time.

How does this tie into the topic of my hair? Metaphysics 101 tells us the importance of utilizing whatever it is we have access to (visualization methods, moving places, changes of scenery, changes in appearance, selling things, etc.) in order to help embody the "activation codes" that would lead us quicker and more seamlessly into more suited and desired realities.

I understand that my hair is an intricately designed and intentionally selected aspect of the personality I've chosen this round to help me "switch roles" and shift identities with less resistance.

Considering how quickly life seems to move people, places, organizations, etc. in and out of my life, today's video I'm excited to share one of the most basic metaphysical principles in regards to shedding skins and internal upgrades that I've utilized throughout my years to help ground these new realities more seamlessly.

Travel Light,

Enjoy the ride,



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