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When you wear your beliefs on your face.

We underestimate this simple yet powerful truth that the sages, ancients, mystics and seers have been communicating to humanity for millennia: the power of your beliefs to create your reality.

Individuals that believe we are purely physical and maybe haven't explored their relationship to death or the nature of reality are more likely to be those beings that will blatantly wear those beliefs on their face during these times.

Individuals that believe that the mental-emotional-spiritual bodies are what influence the state of the physical body are those likely to NOT be blatantly wearing beliefs across their face.

Individuals that believe synthetic medications and altering the physical body to heal are more likely to be wearing beliefs on their face during these times.

Individuals that believe in the power of plant medicines, natural modalities, and addressing the spiritual body to heal are more likely to NOT be wearing beliefs on their face during these times.

Granted, these statements are extremes. I understand that there will be people residing all over these polarity spectrums and then some.

My point: when we understand the WHY behind someone's behavior we're much more likely to have compassion for them and see them a little bit more like ourselves. We see that just like us, they have invested in belief systems based on their real-time experiences, influences, associations, etc.

We can see how one person's version of "right" may conflict with our own and that maybe they aren't actually a malicious or ignorant individual. They're just seeing through a different lens than we are.

Maybe they came to express something different than you this lifetime. Maybe they're at a different point in their journey. Maybe their soul had different lessons than you.

All I'm trying to get at here is, respect. We've never agreed on everything and we never will. How to move forward with integrity regardless so nobody feels like their reality is being compromised or undermined. That's the real question moving forward.

The Creator in me bows to the Creator in you.




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