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What you should be doing during these times ft. Ram Dass

let the dust settle

& what do you see?

it surely won’t be

‘what’s expected of me’

let the dust settle

let fall the debris & the muck

I’m told it’s an art form

called not giving a fuck.

releasing ideas of should or should not

understanding I’m fully equipped

with all that I got

& all that I need

watering only those seeds

that are true to me.

let the dust settle 

& soon you will see.

only through stillness

birthed from silence

through starving our immediate reactions towards violence,

sidestepping the quicksand of expected compliance,

facing inner and outer defiance;

when will we impeach Your Highness

& reclaim our own High-ness?


when we find grace in the space.

when we face the face that’s allowed disgrace to find its place

in our homes.

this is not something we can race

there’s no finish line anyways

just consistent changing of shapes.

allow the dust to settle

& we begin to retrace,

& the more we see

confusion is the gateway to clarity.

what’s that you say Insanity?

perpetuate games of them versus we?

perpetuate illusions of duality?


it’s not about living in a world of PC


unknowingly growing

greater polarity,

unknowingly undergoing

tighter captivity.

be free!

be you, not me!

not she or he,

that role is taken

to hop on the wagon

we are indeed mistakin’

our souls forsaken


& stirred.

detach from the herd!

be free!

I mean, that’s really where this all stems from

that quiet hum-drum of the High Heart

urging you towards your own Dharmic part;

it doesn’t have to look like a work of art

or that you’ve got it together

you simply must start.

it’s not something that‘s planned, 

it’s not something that can be canned then scanned

sold in a package,

“For The Confused Modern Man😁”

it’s a journey, an unfoldment

you have permission to get to know it,

take your time.

more than ever before

we need heed the messages of those that mourn,

who traded their souls for intellectual scorn.

we must do so before these bodies are worn.


revolution is just a polite way to say

we ALL must die

before we truly are born.

just let the dust settle

& I’m sure you will see

the path is revealed

only through humility.



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