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What the actual F is happening on our planet?

An in-depth, global energy update: as within, so without.

Energy principles 101

You’ve probably heard it a million times already and you’re going to hear it again here for a million and one: we reside within and inseparable from an energetic universe.

Think of energy simply as information that vibrates at varying rates. What we see in the manifest world, what we would call "physical reality", is the information that the senses are designed to interpret.

As humans, we naturally tend to get too consumed and wrapped up in what’s perceivable by our five senses. But if we zoom in on what’s occurring we would see that everything that is experienced in this physical universe is actually highly specified patterns of more subtle energy waves.

This is an extremely intelligent and organized system we’re part of, even though sometimes it can seem random, faulty, and highly unpredictable.

If we break down what the role is of these meat suits that our consciousness is temporarily housed in, we would see that very similar to the movie Avatar, these vessels/vehicles give us the wherewithal to explore and operate within this dimension.

Our physical body’s role is to interpret the energetic information in a way that allows functionality. If we would be able to truly see and experience and feel all levels of energy from tangible to intangible, it’s pretty safe to say we’d be overwhelmed with complexity and unable to experience this lifeform and lifetime for what it is.

We can assume that this Infinite Intelligence that permeates all of existence has us right where we need to be in terms of the most relevant way to explore this Earth dimension.

Our eyes, ears, skin, nose, tongue – these are just devices used to interpret energy. They receive information in the form of wavelengths and translate them in a way that’s communicable to our brain’s receptors and from there we do what we will with the information.

From there, we are able to layer whatever meaning or interpretation we wish to layer.

It’s important to understand exactly what the subtle realms of energy are. As defined in The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, subtle energies are those that are either too high or too low in frequency to be easily measured. We know, however, that they exist due to the effects that they produce.

Whatever is happening in the subtler, less tangible energetic realms will eventually manifest themselves into the grosser, more tangible realms that can be interpreted by our senses.

This is where the discussion of soul blueprints comes in too. Our auric and energetic bodies can be measured with specialized devices, as they exist within the less tangible realms of reality.

These subtler bodies contain the information that influence our demeanor, dispositions, and our overall intention and direction in life.

This is arguably why we have certain longings and desires for things and people, and why there are aversions or repulsions. This energetic information is encoded into our very beings and gives us a little something to work with while we’re here.

Can you imagine if there was no blueprint to a building or home? No structure? It would cease to be purposeful. It might as well not exist.

But give us something to build from, something to work with, and we won’t be found walking around with our thumbs up our…noses.

Again, what is operating on a subtle level will eventually expand into the grosser realms.

It is Law.

One of the reasons that Law of Attraction teachings have become so popular is because a chunk of humanity has woken up to the fact that we are indeed, vibrational beings. It’s exciting to think that we have some control over how we’re experiencing our realities from this limited perspective, especially when much our of lives prior to awakening we had felt victim to our circumstances.

Where Law of Attraction teachings fall short is in the lack of understanding of what’s encoded in our soul’s blueprint. What’s the substance, the reason for incarnation?

That’s not always the nice house, perfect self-expression, and smokin’ hot partners.

It’s not always meant to be smooth sailings…because what makes the skilled sailor?

Certainly not a waveless ocean.

So, in terms of allowing ourselves to operate within these realms with as much grace and compassion and humility as possible, yes: be accountable for what type of energy you’re contributing to this shared reality of humanity. But don’t forget that there are some specifications you have built in to your own subtle body. Some things you came to explore.

And to make you the most accomplished sailor possible, it’s not always going to be a calm sea.

It’s a constant exchange of energetic information that allows us to explore this realm, this realm that seems to have certain rules and limitations, all highly relevant and useful for navigating this specific time-space continuum.

If on an intangible level we feel the remnants of hatred, fear, oppression, (even if it’s not “ours”) we are strumming the chords of dis-ease. Of physical sickness. Mental illness. Emotional and spiritual torment.

All theories aside, it’s not as important to talk about where this programming really stems from as it is to examine and admit where we’re at, and move forward with as much dignity as we can.

If these codes are existing on a subtle realm, passed down from generation to generation (which has been studied through genetic programming, epigenetics, morphic fields, and other fields), then it’s no surprise to see these things making themselves globally manifest the way they are right now, especially because we are not taught through traditional systems the true nature of reality.

We can’t discuss viruses or political upheaval without also examining the subtler energetics behind these events; the unmanifest and the manifest cannot be separated.

And the roles we’re each to play during these times are also relevant to our soul’s blueprint.

One of the reason’s I created this site and one of my highest callings in life is discussing the nature of soul alignment. Of true soul integrity, of Dharma, and what that means.

That means that others don’t and most certainly won't always understand why we be and do who we be and what we do.

And that’s OK, that’s to be expected, especially if we’re really tuning in.

There’s so much more to all of this then slapping a mask on our faces, standing six feet apart, washing our hands and hoping for the best.

There’s so much more to all of this then posting a little black square on our Instagram page, parading around with some street signs, posting some pictures with our brown friends and hoping for the best.

This is THE event. This is the shift that we have been gearing up towards as a whole, the permission slip for all of humanity to at once, wake up not only to our undeniable interconnectedness, but to evolve as a species on every level – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The best things in our lives, the things that have molded and shaped us into beings with real, palpable character are those things we wouldn’t have consciously chosen for ourselves.

Many times these things, events, people, and situations, show up as the uninvited house guests. The ones that we never wanted or ever even considered inviting over, bringing to us gifts of soul evolution disguised as flaming bags of dog poop💩.

This Infinite Intelligence, man, it knows what it’s doing.

It’s all a guise to redirect us towards what actually matters. To shake us awake from our slumber.

Because when we're all operating naturally from the Realm of The Golden Rule, can you imagine where we could go? Can you imagine what that would feel like? What would be created from that understanding?


This is it, Star Fam. I'll catch you on the bright side.

Our planet is evolving, will humanity evolve too?

As a planet and as a species, we are undergoing an extremely intense calibration phase as the soul of humanity attempts to establish itself in a more permanent residence within 4th density / 5th dimensional planes of existence.

The purge of darkness is not new to humanity and it's only ramping up. We are currently witnessing yet another wave of this collective shedding on the screen of our shared reality.

Even though it can seem like we’re living in the most strange, dark, and confusing times ever we have to remember that this purge has been building up for several centuries now, especially over the past couple decades.

Each generation leading up to ours also experienced several layers of this purge in an event (or several events) where it probably felt like to them too that the world was inevitably coming to a crashing halt straight into the firey pits of hell.

Pretty terrifying with a pinch of excitement, if we're leaning on the more optimistic edge.

Also important to remember that as multidimensional beings we have always found ourselves dancing between different dimensional planes at once but now more than ever our codes as Bearers of Light are being activated to more extreme levels, courting us into a more aggressive dance, or so it feels.

To smooth as many harsh energy edges as we can, we must understand our interconnectivity.

A species is connected to each other by what’s known as morphogenetic fields. These fields instruct our DNA and epigenetics to activate in various ways and can explain why members of the same family exhibit similar behaviors and emotional patterns. This also explain why a species in general, in this case humanity, might share common characteristics and developmental traits.

Studies like The Hundredth Monkey Effect show how even when separated, members of the same species will exude and develop similar behaviors and traits.

It’s been philosophised that it’s through morphogenetic fields that past life memories are passed from lifetime to lifetime, influencing what I refer to as the soul’s blueprint.

Through this web of interconnectivity we are assisting not only ourselves and our loved ones but we are assisting hundreds of thousands of beings within the various reality bubbles we find ourselves apart of naturally, to also calibrate to these higher dimensional planes.

Fire lights fire.

As my DNA activates and is accepting and transmitting more Light codes into my field and the fields of those mentioned above, those activations are triggering deeper/more expanded DNA activations across the whole of humanity.

And because I am a huge advocate of a properly placed F bomb I will say this with zero reservation:

we're doing a lot of fucking work right now.

From extreme exhaustion, show-stopping headaches, intense mood swings, and borderline manic behavior, Grace is a word that we are being encouraged to get really cozy with during this time.

Even if how you earn a living has seemingly nothing to do with the spiritual realms, your soul blueprint holds the codes of this awakening period we now find ourselves in. Just by way you’re designed, you are what my guides refer to as "an Activator." And there’s no need to feel guilty if you feel like your outer reality hasn’t completely aligned with your inner convictions quite yet.

No matter what field you find yourself in, just remember that your higher self had/has access to all the possible timelines that you could potentially walk and your Higher Self understood the most probable timelines that you would combine with.

The over-soul by design understands the most direct and effective way for your expression in this life even if that doesn’t look like what you want it to.

Even if it means that you’re not activating Light codes by writing or speaking, just your very being alone is activating those around you. You are still very much by design, a conduit for the new paradigm and fulfilling your reason for taking birth.

Not only is your vessel (think mental-emotional-spiritual bodies) in and of itself designed to house the codes for new earth, for unity consciousness and the new paradigm, but if we’re going to continue with this computer programming analogy, our vessels are also designed to absorb the viruses and malware and broken codes of the planet.

We absorb then transmute these codes, picked up from childhood conditioning and the various levels of trauma we’re exposed to throughout our lifetime in general, simply from operating on this planet of polarity and mass confusion.

Much of the time, even if we’ve woken up, we’re not aware of the depth and intensity of our experiences, of how much work is being done in the realms unseen, unheard, and untouched.

As an intuitive empath, it’s been extremely necessary for my own sanity to understand not just intuitively but scientifically how all of this energy shit works.

This dancing between dimensions ties back into a video I made a couple weeks ago: falling off your path and why that’s part of the path.

There are many reasons why I’ve (maybe naively) released the need or desire to try to force myself out of habits that don’t feel like they’ve genuinely expired. The main reason being that it’s not part of my encodement as an efficient way to transmute energy.

But also, we mustn’t forget: as we navigate our way through darkness we create pathways within the ethers that make it easier for others to navigate their way through similar terrain. Our Higher Selves are extremely aware of the necessity and benefits of a “slower” transmutation process. It serves its purpose and is not something to be shameful of.

In my observation, it’s extremely rare the individual that can easily drop behaviors/habits/ways of being, albeit many of us try to force ourselves into changes that weren’t meant to be made in one fell swoop. For many on this plane of existence, it’s not actually relevant or useful to have a blueprint with such an iron will built-in.

Even when we understand certain things certainly keep us further from extended periods of embodying God-conscious states of being, we can tend to forget that this is what makes Earth such a rich and, believe it or not, highly desired training ground for massive spiritual growth and development. Being veiled from these higher truths yet still navigating our way back even despite immense darkness infuses the oversoul with incredibly rich information.

It’s all aiding to further the expansion of consciousness far beyond just our own planet and solar system.

By keeping one foot in the higher dimensions and one foot in these heavier, “less spiritual” (says who?) habits that we may have judged ourselves for in the past, we’re still affecting the group consciousness of those other beings that are still residing within those realms on a more consistent basis; still affecting those beings with greater degrees of filth covering their lens of God-perception. Those realms are indeed heavier and maybe thicker with illusion but still very much so Godly in their own right.

In terms of massive purges and coming back to the theme of “as within, so without” just keep in mind this is a GLOBAL shift, a global shedding that’s taking place.

The releasing and deprogramming of broken codes can manifest itself as physical sickness, mental anguish, emotional rage, spiritual darkness, broken systems, social and political unrest, to name a few.

Dis-ease within = dis-ease without.

It’s going to feel extremely intense at times. And the more we see intensity being purged externally it’s safe to assume we will be affected to similar degrees internally, being revealed the pockets of shadow and darkness that still lie within our own mind-body-spirit complexes.

This is something that we should be celebrating my friends! It’s not a bad thing. It’s not something to fear or condemn. Fear and condemnation are only adding to the karmic knots of humanity that will eventually need to be untangled anyways. Let’s lighten the load for future gens, shall we?

What you can expect to see, within & without

#1. Permission to reframe what being "productive" means

A soul sister that I met through a masterminds group I was recently invited to join, she posted something in our group slack about being frustrated over procrastination.

She was looking for advice on how to work through feeling really motivated one minute and then absolutely empty the next.

I swooped in reeeeeaaaal quick, strongly guided to remind her how we’re experiencing INTENSE times on our planet, through all cylinders.

I told her how, as a deep feeler, it's been imperative for my mental-emotional-spiritual sanity to understand how energy dynamics works in one-on-one settings, small groups, larger groups, etc. So much so that it’s arguably one of the strongest chords in my blueprint to assist others in navigating energy dynamics, especially those that are highly, highly sensitive like myself.

I reminded her that with so much going on within the collective, all the emotional/mental heaviness and debris that is being kicked up to the surface, now more than ever we're being offered permission to really put compassion to practice. Towards ourselves and others.

To understand our interconnectivity as a collective can help us remember that what we’re feeling personally may not make sense all the time…because what we’re feeling isn’t only “personal” stuff that’s being cleared.

Much of the time it isn’t the procrastination (or insert other habit/behavior/symptom) in and of itself that leaves us feeling so frustrated but it’s in the lack of understanding the metaphysics behind our operations.

Be wary when it's cultural conditioning emerging to the surface feeding ideas of worthlessness for not producing something we can experience through our senses.

Like we're beginning to remember collectively, the hardest and most satisfying work we have to do is the internal work. The outside really does fall into place when we first focus on soul-alignment and clearing out false perceptions of self and reality.

When we have a broadened understanding of what the hell is going on, we then open the doors for grace to enter. And when we invite grace into our homes we greatly diminish the amount of space left for resistance and judgement, which are ultimately the biggest blockades to an individual feeling grounded, grateful, and fulfilled.

#2. Disturbed sleep patterns

Common symptoms during these times are abnormal sleep patterns. Things like insomniac episodes and/or extreme and sudden exhaustion. These tend to be more frequent simply because as shadow fluctuations become higher, so too the more desired end of the emotional spectrum will be heightened as well.

More energy running through our systems to and from both ends of the polarity spectrum takes, as you could guess, a lot of getting used to especially if this global crisis is what has sparked your initial spiritual awakenings.

The psychosomatic system processes and integrates these energies in different ways depending upon the mental-emotional-spiritual state of the entity.

When we’re in a higher, more optimistic state our minds generally work in our favor/in favor of New Earth and it’s not always necessary for us to take a three hour power nap in the middle of the day.

I've noticed a few main reasons why these exhaustion waves are useful to us, espeically if we can lean into them and not try to over-caffeinate our way out of them:

1) you’re having a “lower” energetic day and more susceptible to fear codes.

2) your guides/angels/Higher Self are attempting to "download" insights and inspiration to you.

3) the accelerated rate at which your DNA is activating and receiving Light Codes is too much energy to process while you're in a waking state.

These huge waves of exhaustion are simply our spiritual bodies attempting to remove our mental-emotional bodies from the equation so to not inhibit recalibration and up-levelings.

Be prepared to be thrown off with sleep patterns in general as we all readjust.

#3. Intense mood fluctuations

Don't be surprised by outbursts of anger or victim mentality – the whole gamut of the dark end of the spectrum – from self or others.

If you have kiddos... you already know what that means😅. Need I really say more?

Sometimes in those moments we can’t pinpoint where in our own psyches the debris is emerging from and it’s important to remember again (even before all of this happened) what we’re feeling isn’t always “your” or “my” stuff.

It’s all of our shit we gotta take care of.

We each have to clean our portion of the house we share when made aware there's a mess under our feet.

Part of being a highly interconnected species, more so than any of us are probably ready to admit, means that sometimes we find ourselves cleaning up the spoiled milk that some other asshole 😇 spilled and forgot about three weeks ago. That’s just part of it.

Overall, we can't be taken off gaurd by how people are handling these purges. I've heard many people say they're surprised by so-and-so's behavior or way of handling things.

But why?

The unlocking and clearing of deep seeded hatred. Of unforgiveness. Of blame. Of pain and suffering from this life and other lives, from what we’ve accumulated from our ancestral lineage and on and on and on... these are not easy things for us to handle.

These intense mood swings are our indication that this purge is happening on a cellular level that most definitely will be felt from generations to come, in a good way. It only becomes a detriment when the negative energy gets trapped and doesn't have a positive way to be channeled and transmuted.

Think long bike rides, running, yoga, meditation, reading spiritual texts, listening to podcasts by people who just get it, time in nature most definitely... you know what's the best way for you.

Just be prepared for some unwanted emotions to become magnified.

FOR EMPATHS/HIGHLY SENSITIVE SOULS SPECIFICALLY: the more sensitive you are to energies, even if you’ve been on the path of purification for some time, even the smallest inconsistencies or internal flaws will feel highly magnified.

And because we feel so deeply, it can make us uncomfortable to think so much darkness is still harbored within our own hearts. Just remember, what most tend to feel at a 1 or a 2, you feel at an 8, 9 or 10. Have grace, sweet sensitives.

FOR EVERYONE: Overall a rule-of-thumb during this time: as long as we’re tempted to point the finger away from ourselves we’re perpetuating the problem. We’re adding to the debris and the garbage of the planet.

Notice what your observations of others are revealing to you about your own lens of perception. We judge others not as they are, but as we are.

#4. Relationship dynamics radically and/or rapidly shifting

Wanting to alter relationship dynamics, leave your place of work, move cities or states, get out of current living situations and agreements in general is all normal.

Internally we’re feeling the energies of reconfiguration and it can inspire us to make those external changes to mirror what’s happening on the inside.

Patience and timely execution might serve some scenarios but so too decisions that come from impulse or with little thinking and planning from this “lower” level may just mean the plans have been ruminating behind the scenes long before we became consciously aware of those urges.

If you feel intense urge to action but something is telling you to PAUSE, honor that. On the same note if you feel hesitation to action but something is telling you to TAKE THE LEAP, honor that!

Usually when we see an up-leveling of our realities we see dynamics falling away as we step into the new and the unknown but don’t be surprised if you’re getting the nudge to see old friends or lovers that you haven’t seen in a while or if they contact you out of the blue.

Don't be alarmed if you're highly attracted to someone one moment and then repulsed by them the next (remember, emotional recalibrations are happening).

Don’t be alarmed if you’ve been inspired to peek at your ex’s Instagram page against your better judgement or in general someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Be wary not to reopen a door of abuse or negativity of course but also be open to understand that others are shifting and sifting just like you and may be more open and susceptible to the activations that you can offer them than they were in the past, and vice versa.

We need to be OK with using our realities as a soundboard for our own process of receiving insights and implementing what we’re being given through spirit.

There’s no mistakes, only learning. These times are giving us more permission than ever before to explore our realities with less attachment to self-imposed limitations of right or wrong.

#5. People having very different experiences of reality

This is something that was always somewhat apparent to us before, that we each are “living our own lives.”

But when we are introduced something that’s as widespread as a pandemic or the overthrow of racism or even selecting a new president we can naively assume we’re all “going through the same thing.”

And while we’re each being offered a similar catalyst, how we are experiencing our realities in relation to everything that’s going on will be greatly influenced by the subtler realms we are operating within.

Some people are feeling the most abundant, aligned with their purpose, and connected to spirit than they ever have before.

Some people are feeling the most confused, pessimistic, depressed, and lost than they ever have before.

Some people are more actively exploring both ends of the spectrum creating what appears to be manic episodes. Again, expect a lot of mood fluctuations internally and/or externally.

Our relationship to something that’s a lot less tangible/physical and more astral/metaphysical is pretty telling to how drastically different our experiences of reality will be during this time.

Even when we’re in the same room with someone witnessing the same situation our interpretations will be vastly different based on so many factors, from grossly obvious to much more subtle.

Things like our background, upbringing, life experiences whether good or bad, (more gross); to factors like our soul blueprints and life themes, which density we’re currently tuned to, the level within that density we’re operating from (closer to the density just above or closer to the density just below), how balanced we are within our mind-body-spirit complexes from day to day, the level to which our DNA bearing the codes of New Earth has been activated, and on and on and on, (much more subtle).

Don’t be provoked into action or mindset based on what others are expecting of you, especially if it feels like it’s going against your better judgement and intuitive leads.

We each have a role in all of this and sometimes one role looks like avoidance or unaccountability to one person but feels like soul integrity to another.

Keep tuning in.

#6. Old medicines/substances reentering, offering their guidance

Let’s be clear about one thing:

A drug is something you ingest to try to escape from yourself and your reality. A medicine is something you ingest to expand your self-awareness and consciousness, inviting holistic healing. Don’t get it twisted.

Maybe you’re like a few of the star siblings I’ve spoken to recently who naturally stopped engaging with certain substances years ago. And now with all this lifting and shifting going about, the aid of these plant spirits and medicinals are calling to you once more.

In my most humble of perspectives, it’s only when we put ourselves in these tiny, compact boxes due to mental projections and assumed frameworks that we get in the way of a smoother evolution.

If we label a pull towards a certain experience or behavior as a regression, then it is.

Not because of the experience or behavior itself but because we have regressed to, once again, taking our orders from our more narrow and limited and highly conditioned perspective versus trusting our higher mind and intuitive signals.

A personal example, I’ve recently started communing with good ol’ MJ again. There was a point from around 18 to 21-ish where I would ingest this plant spirit religiously.

Much of the time it was very ceremonial and infused with intention. I knew I was preparing to break down the walls that my consciousness is normally housed in to allow in higher perspectives. Pun absolutely intended😁.

I paused my dance with MJ when I discovered I was expecting my Angel Maya but even after she was born my systems just did not handle the medicine the same.

I was getting a hard NO in terms of what was best for my evolution. Severe panic and social anxiety attacks were already being brought on by Kundalini activations and were made incredibly worse upon ingesting that particular plant medicine, so naturally I just stopped.

I didn't force anything. Just felt good and ready.

But back in December I dabbled for the first time in a long time. I took a weekend trip to the Oregon Coast by myself with the intention to detach from social media and any outside influence. I needed some integration time, you know?

Annnnd I accidentally smoked way too much one night. But it was perfectly orchestrated and just what I needed. I had my journal handy and I simply surrendered to what the spirit revealed to me. I was shocked at how much poured in that first night. It’s like the insights had been tapping at the walls, piling up and waiting to come through for some time.

Until about a month ago, that was the only time I had smoked in close to 5 years. To my surprise however, I’ve been getting the signal to utilize the wise spirit of this medicine once more.

While she’s very sweet to me mostly, boy, can her messages be extremely hard for my ego to take in sometimes. It’s definitely not something I can take in order to “get away” from myself. It's actually the exact opposite.

I usually have to prepare myself for what’s going to be revealed. Because a lot of the time, they’re things that are hard for me to accept.

Whether that be the way I treat others, or maybe I’m given deeper insight into the realities of others and my heart is expanded by what I’m allowed to see, or how off certain perceptions of myself are and how tightly they keep me shackled to the torments of mind. It’s been a pretty eye opening experience the last month I’ve been engaging with a little more regularity.

I had a moment the other day where I was almost left speechless at how obvious a scenario was to me when I invited an altered state of consciousness to perceive someone from, versus what my normal state of consciousness allowed me to see of them.

These medicines are gifted to us for a reason. It’s our judgements from societal conditioning that can inhibit a really important shift waiting to be discovered through the aid of a benign plant spirit.

When our Higher Self really wants a message or insight to come through to support us in our Mission, it doesn’t care the per-mission slip we use to get there. Our aversions and attractions are nudging us along certain pathways for a reason. Remember, soul encodement.

As long as we’re not causing harm to others, we’re permitted the right to follow the nudges that will invite a more expanded perception of reality. Again, it all comes back to how our personal upgrades will lift and shift those we’re energetically enmeshed with.

Just be wise and remember: set (mindset & intention), setting (environment & people), and dose (ego dissolution? Or just a thinning of the veils...🤔)

#7. Feeling like you've been prepared for this time

All the years that we’ve been studying, whatever paths and teachings we’ve been called to study have been preparing us for this period that we are now in.

Whether you were conscious during your studies and your initial spiritual awakenings that you were undergoing a process of initiation, I’m sure you recognize the truth in the statement: it’s not been by accident.

Remember those times that the stars seemed to align perfectly in your favor?

When you had the right conversation with the right person at the right time,

When the courage you needed to take the leap showed up just when you needed it,

All of those moments that led you to wonder, is it really all my doing? Or is there something bigger at play here...

And also on the flip side,

Remember all the times you were forced into faith because you were so far dug into the trenches that you had no other choice?

The trauma you underwent that revealed your resilience,

The heartbreaks that caused you to search inwards,

The let-downs, the curveballs, the whiplashings that all demanded you to reassess priorities;

The times you thought you had the Holy Grail only to eventually find out you had the knock-off, cheaply designed, can’t-even-hold-a-single-droplet-of-sweat-from-pretending-to-care plastic cup.

You know you’ve reached a beautiful place holistically when you can look back on all of these moments and experiences and see them as nothing short of Grace, holding them with equal regard. After all, they've only continued to mold and shape you into the person you were destined to become.

It might be striking or odd at first for you to admit that this may be one of the periods in your life that you’ve felt the MOST convicted of your path and purpose and contribution to humanity.

And that’s because it’s very safe to say that this period we are now in is (more or less) why you were called to the planet.

#8. (the energy you want to take the most advantage of during this time) Anything goes: breaking down the ego's defense mechanisms

Something I mentioned in my video that I wanted to expand upon here: it can be useful to understand your ego’s natural defenses when it comes to the process of purification and soul-alignment.

There is a strong undertone of "anything goes" right now, have you felt it too? There's much flexibility being offered right now for us to untie the parameters we've tightly roped around ourselves.

We tend to house and crystalize our expression within ideals that feel safe and cozy to the negative ego but for the most part are extremely limiting to how we'd be expressing ourselves if the soul really had it's way with us.

Of course like with anything else, there will be respective overlays and undertones. But in my observation there are two main, overarching ego complexes: The superior and inferior ego.

#1. Superior egos tend to naturally think they know better than others.

They feel they know what other people “should” be doing or how they “should” be behaving. They’re quick to give their opinions away even when it would serve the collective better if they kept to themselves. They think the path they’ve taken is the only path there is to take. They forget the importance of people arriving at their own conclusions based on their own life lessons. Hypocrisy and self-righteousness are strong undertones here.

#2. An inferior ego is on the opposite end of the spectrum.

It can take these ego complexes a lot of inner courage to speak up and to share their insights. These individuals tend to place others on a pedestal and sway their own truth and opinions based on who they’re around in that moment. They’re very agreeable, even if they disagree! They generally will subscribe to superstitions and live through the theories of others versus following their own inner spark. Self-doubt and victimhood are strong undertones here.

By being aware of your natural defenses from the negative ego you can choose to engage in the opposite behaviors in order experiment with neutralization, without attachment to outcome of course. You might be surprised at how natural it feels to step into these roles that you've been craving to experience more of but never fully gave yourself permission to take the leap.

Strong ego complexes suggest that our vision is pretty distorted, being muddied by misperception and overcompensation. We're still peering through lenses that say we need to manipulate and control our environment so it's more predictable.

Clear vision allows more harmony and fulfillment into our realities. The sensation of fear is simply our spirit indicating to us that a) growth is about to occur and b) we're filtering the soul's excitement for expansion through the lens of uncertainty.

Overall it’s important to keep in heart that many times the strongest threshold for us to break through in changing a behavior is condemnation and judgement.

Many times, we try to manipulate our behavior so we can appear more lovable to others based on our assumptions of what they desire from us, rather than adjusting our expression as a genuine desire to experience ourselves with greater freedom. Keep in mind these two disctinctions may manifest themselves very differently.

When we genuinely invite the Grace of God in to heal these misperceptions of self through compassionate awareness, engulfing those ways of being that keep us further from God-perception, we’ve done arguably the hardest part.

These times are those of Alchemical change. Discomfort is an indication that the process of transformation is well underway, leaving behind those barriers that block us from becoming an authentic bridge between Heaven and Earth.

The #1 tip for a smoother up-leveling

Water, laughter, and rest are our biggest allies during this time.

And I know we're tired of hearing it... but hydration is a game changer in terms of energy levels.

Much of the time when we’re moody and/or fatigued it has to do with dehydration for several reasons. Our psychosomatic system (mind-body-spirit complex) is consistently undergoing a process of integration, detox, release, etc. which as you could probably assume takes a lot of energy. Water helps that process immensely.

On a cellular level, water helps to clear out toxins from external pollution (think manmade pollutants) from the foods we eat and other obvious environmental factors. It helps the physical detoxification process.

But also consider this from a more subtle/metaphysical level: water helps clear our internal toxicity as well. These toxins are created from the insanity of our own minds and through everything we’re witnessing and digesting on the shared screen of humanity.

Even for those that don't keep up with the news or media, as a highly interrelated species, we all will be affected to varying degrees.

Also useful to remember, water is crystalline and highly programmable. It can be likened to a process known as cymatics, which has shown when vibrated onto a special sounding plate, our words take geometric form appearing as mandalas, mosaics, etc.

I sometimes write words on my water bottles like “strength”, “purification”, “confidence”, to influence the molecular structure of the water, thus affecting my energetic and spiritual bodies.

If you have a hard time believing it (or you’re a closet nerd like me🤓), check out Dr. Masaru Emoto and his water experiments.

He’s written several books regarding his studies and I’m sure he has other available resources on the power of directed awareness upon water. If you’ve watched my video or plan on it, towards the end I go a little more in depth about some of the incredible studies he’s done on water, the intention we place upon it, and how I utilize this in my practices to help shift and uplift.

In general, if you’re feeling extra drained and moody, try upping your intake in the mornings, getting a liter or two in first thing and see how you feel.

To conclude

Overall, it’s really important not to judge what’s coming up and why. If we just understand what shifting into brighter realities means: a purge of what’s unable to make the trip to those higher planes of consciousness, naturally we can lean into the waves as they come.

We simply understand it’s bound to get uncomfortable at times and we may not always understand where it’s coming from but we can maintain faith that it’s a beautiful indication that we’re climbing the ladder of densities, becoming greater and greater conduits of Heaven on Earth.

Certain behaviors and emotions are surfacing because there is much, much more happening beneath the surface than most any of us could even begin to process cognitively.

Our soul's signed up within certain demographics, for certain experiences, that would ensure that no part of humanity would be left untouched by a Being that came in with a Mission. The Mission that you’ve probably felt in your bones as long as you can remember. Many of you reading this came in specifically to do the volunteer sweeping of the veil of humanity.

And of course, it’s not always easy, but from the soul’s perspective: serving Earth during this time and all the other times you may have incarnated here to do this kind of work, leaves an incredibly distinct mark on our over-souls.

So much so, that the exponential amount of transformation and growth that happens in one incarnation alone makes the amount of time we spend being uncomfortable by the heaviness of this plane from time to time, seem very tiny and insignificant in comparison.


So friends, what came up for you during this transmission?

Don’t forget there’s a place below to leave your comments. Your insights may be the missing puzzle piece someone needed to hear, perfectly timed to help them move and groove into these higher realms more smoothly.

Please share this with someone you feel could benefit.🙏

Until next time Star Fam,



1 Comment

Erin Schoenlein
Erin Schoenlein
Jul 05, 2020

Much needed. Thank you!

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