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Welp. They banned me.

Annnnnd the Modern Day Witch Trials continue.

When one version of right and another version of right begin to conflict, who's version do we tend to give higher precedence to? In my most recent explorations, i.e. the past few months, generally it's those that tend to go with the grain of the mainstream narrative.

I have another video up in the queue on this topic actually but today's video felt like a good segue into that.

We are all living-breathing-walking belief systems. It's always been this way.

The only difference now is that we are battling a collective belief system world-wide that toys with one of our primary, deeply rooted and highly unexplored fears: death of the physical body.

And our personal beliefs towards current events is (or is not in my case) worn across our face.

I'm not surprised that these types of videos I post tend to receive the most amount of traction from both ends of the polarity spectrum, not to mention the obvious societal tendency to gravitate towards drama and upheaval.

This has been a beautiful strengthening for me in releasing the need to make my decisions from the outside in in order to accommodate others' perceptions of me, one of my personal barriers to embodying the most authentic version of Self.

I don't have to agree with you to respect you. And I personally don't believe there's 'one reality' either, so that will inevitably influence how I make my decisions.

Some realities and beliefs lead to greater truth, some lead to greater repression. What we choose as individuals influences what we choose as a species.

Who am I to tell you what is right for you?

Choose for yourself.

Travel Light,



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