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We're all in The Wringer.

It's really been sinking in for me the past few weeks. As I've allowed Life to direct my energies, my practices, my studies, I am beginning to develop an incredibly deep reverence for All Inhabitants on this shared Earth. To be a breathing-feeling Being on this planet is no easy feat. And regardless of where we think someone else is at in comparison to our own selves, regardless of how much our soul may churn in the face of perceived injustices and misrepresentations, regardless if the 'bad guy' thinks he's the good guy and the good guy think he's not doing good enough; The truth of the matter is, everyone is being put through the spiritual-mental-emotional wringer simply by being alive. Everyone by nature of this existence finds themselves in a similar predicament of thinking they know, not being entirely sure if they know, but being sure that if there's one thing we all know for sure, that is eventually this will all be over. This is in fact one point of accuracy we can count on, regardless of how unsure we are about everything else that happens along the way. Whether I agree with the actions and ideas of others or not matters much less to me these days. I recognize there is a much, much greater Orchestration happening that I will never fully grasp from this level but that I can learn to trust in a little more each day. If you're interested in checking out the full videos from last week, check out my YouTube channel. Be blessed💞


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