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This was the most refreshing conversation

The mark of maturity is when two beings of *seemingly* conflicting belief systems can come together, look past those things that seem to separate them, and come back to a space of unification and seeing another through the Eyes of Truth;

The Eyes that see past the personality self and into the heart and soul of another being.

From this space we remember and recognize that this person is not very different from us after all.

They likely have similar desires of love, harmony, prosperity, laughter, community and connection...

They, just like us, simply have a unique role to play during this time. They are reading from a different script because they have different things to explore than we.

The collective exploration for the planet during this time is in how we can honor and respect our truth and the role that we came to embody without dishonoring and disrespecting another's at the same time.

I believe it's possible. And I believe that it's imperative in order to bridge the gap between the old world we see crumbling and New Earth that each of us can feel stirring within our Spirits to create.

I trust you're doing the best you can with where you're at.

I honor you, I see you, and I thank you for being here.

In love,



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