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This was one of the darkest Dark Nights I've experienced.

Hi Star FamilyšŸ˜Š

I know, I knowā€¦ the sound is FUNKY the first few minutes of this video for whatever reason, I did everything I could to try to equalize the audio with what little knowledge I have of sound editing software BUT it does go back to ā€œnormalā€ right around the 4 minute mark. It doesnā€™t sound like Iā€™m talking on the other side of a semi-cracked open window the whole timešŸ˜

As some of you know I took a little hiatus from my phone and the interwebs for a couple days and in this video I explain why.

I also mention in the beginning and Iā€™ll mention here too, I donā€™t make it a habit of comparing emotional states of being or labeling the emotive scale in general (as an overall rule of thumb from my Angelic Team) but I figured that by doing so it would give some context as to the intensity of shadow purging I was experiencing that led me to last minute book myself a solo air bnb along the Washington Peninsula for two nights to rejuvenate my spirit.

In this video I discuss the nature of this Dark Night of the Soul experience and some major insight gained that could offer value and benefit to those drawn to it.

I hope this finds you exceptionally well my friendsšŸ’œ




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