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There's nothing to prove.

Last week's theme was LOUD AND CLEAR🗣

In honoring your personal Truth, in walking your Highest Path, you begin to deeply understand this: the more you lean into your unique Soul Signature + the intricacies that go along with it, the more you can appreciate those nuances in others as well — no matter if the ‘what-how-when-where-why-who’ they’re guided to explore appears dramatically different & in some cases, totally opposite from you.

You become a more relaxed beacon of grace, compassion, & acceptance. There's nothing to prove; you understand that who you are today is a role that you've taken on, one of many others you have been & will be. It will come & go like anything else.

On the same note, you'll begin to feel how identified others are with their roles, which is not inherently negative, by how much they grasp for & attach meaning & importance to their specific choices in an incarnation; this identification does become detrimental when they’ve become so attached to their path being “right” that they will go to great lengths to make wrong others that don’t fit their framework.

We are at a beautiful crux as a species on the planet where we can either embody this Great Truth of 'it doesn't have to look the same as me for me to honor the Creator in you' therefore ushering the collective towards greater Unity, or we can continue to deepen the divide between one another thus driving us further into separation and chaos.

The individual is a microcosm for the collective. The choice is in our hands.🌍

Check out last week's transmissions by visiting my YouTube channel.

Be blessed Star FamilyđŸŒ»


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