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The Thoughts You Think (video)

Towards the end of 2019 I gave a talk in Toastmasters on a study conducted by the revered Dr. Joe Dispenza. This is a man who continues to prove with the help of science how the thoughts we think can create and perpetuate disease in the mind, disease in the body, and further dis-ease in our lives generated through circumstances. His work is in empowering the individual to become the masterful creator of their life.

Now, if you’ve been on this path for a while, this is a no-brainer. This is probably how a post-grad physics major feels when discussing for the umpteenth time (to the umpteenth power), the story of Isaac Newton under the apple tree. Like really? This is elementary shit.

But in my most humble of opinions, we can’t be reminded enough.

We are seeded and reseeded with ideas of decay and unworthiness on a daily basis. Watering and nurturing them by the power we give them. Sometimes this is overt and obvious but most of the time it's not. It's sneaky and subliminal. And we all know that the most dangerous and prevalent killer is the one that’s the hardest to identify.

The one least suspected...

You're welcome :).

On a subconscious level and through a variety of mediums, day in and out, we are consistently being attacked. If you’re serious about being a conscious player for the shift we’re in, it’s vital to relentlessly deprogram the virus. Relentlessly.

Continue to program your systems with that which your soul is yearning for.

Anyhoots, I was asked by quite a few people within the communities I’m involved with to share this talk, which I did. I’ll just have it here now, too, for future reference.




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