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The inherent gifts in ADD & ADHD

I am teetering between leaving the "I am not a doctor" disclaimer because a) I know that's obvious and we all know that and b) because I understand that creating "disclaimers" around your expression and insight is subtly infused with the layers of uncertainty and unworthiness.

Learning to have conviction and trust in what is being revealed to you through your psychic centers is an extremely important part of the journey as it's become clear that, at least on this plane of existence, eventually we get to a point where our learnings are infused with what we are teaching.

Anyways. Not to go down too many rabbit holes (fitting since this is a transmission on ADD LOL) like anything else my intention is to understand the lesson or inherent catalyst under the seeming challenges we face in life.

It's all just ushering us into less inhibited ways of existing and more authentic ways of allowing the soul's expression to come through.

LMK if y'all have had any in-sights about this topic.

Collective wisdom = #winning.

Talk soon,



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