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The Great Abyss

Who knew that in the process of falling

Into The Great Abyss of The Sacred Heart

We would shatter the entirety of self into a million pieces;

Spilling over into the Turbulent Sea of Despair,

Thrust into Her unforgiving grips,

& between each relentless wave of unmet emotion we beg for a chance to breathe,

A chance to gather our wherewithal,

Only to be swallowed by Her Depths

Revealing all that we had hidden from self,

All that was too much to bear,

All that felt too fragile to feel.

Just when we’re sure we’ll meet suffocation,

As we try to remember what the Light of day looks like,

What the Warmth of Truth even feels like,

We find ourselves back at shore,

The hand of Grace floating us to a place of restoration.

Here we’re certain to never again put ourselves in such a vulnerable position.

& we set out to build our Fort of Safety

Convinced we’ll be spared from yet another wreckage at sea.

& it’s cunning how it all works.

Because in raising the bridge & filling the moat we feel an illusory sense of protection.

Forgetting that the only real enemies are The Lies that lie within the very walls,

Of the cage we just built around ourselves.

We forget that in the process of building forts

We seal off all access to The Great Abyss of The Sacred Heart;

& that any hope in opening Her Gates

Will require we shatter the entirety of self into a million pieces.

& one day when we’ve finally had it,

When we’ve tired of fighting and resisting,

Of fleeing & fearing,

We collapse to our knees;

We fall into the tender embrace of Sweet Surrender,

“I’ve had enough;

I give up.

I will no longer flee from the wreckage.

I will no longer build Forts of False Security.

I wish to experience all that is mine by Divine Right,

Whatever that voyage entails,

I am ready.”

& just as certain that the Sun will rise each time the Moon falls,

As certain that the tides will roll back after every time they pull out,

A new day dawns,

The seas are calm,

& we cast our sails to our True North,

An ever-unfoldment of adjusting and readjusting,

Demanding & reclaiming

More & more

Our Rightful Treasures,

Within The Great Abyss of The Sacred Heart.



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