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The Era of Collective Wisdom: Seven Tips to Navigating the Times

my intention is for this article to be accessible by anyone who reads it. regardless of what your beliefs are - whether you consider yourself spiritual or not - what's written in this article transcends all labels.

well-intentioned ideas that turn into dogmatic rules are usually what cause certain demographics within societies to be turned off by particular ways of thinking, ways of thinking that can allow actual fuckin freedom from the weighted principles we've subconsciously agreed to adopt as our own.

even if you were to take away all of the spiritual words and metaphors used throughout this article, see how the simplistic nature of the symbols represented by the English language can blend seamlessly into any pre-existing system of belief.

alrighty. get ready...get set...!

destined for mastery

star beings. here we are in exhilarating times, highlighted by the framework of Collective Wisdom. at this point in our time-space nexus reality it is no longer necessary for you to seek out any one guru. ever again.

we have entered an age where external resources are to be used as supplements to your soul-map rather than relying on any one teaching or teacher as holding The Key to your Liberation.

you have spent a millennia searching outside.

in every direction, in every crevice outside of yourself, you have pleaded for answers. you've panhandled for any scrap of spiritual nourishment only to be left hungry. dissatisfied. disparaged time and time again. and still, after decades of tireless seeking, you feel like there is yet something missing. a piece not quite in place. this feeling can be subtle. it is intrinsically woven into the fabric of your human cloak.

this, is the era of collective wisdom. where it takes courageous persistence to surf the waves of paradox with grace and humility.

to an outsider it can look easy. this is the mark of a truly seasoned master. remarkable are those who make navigating the matrix look effortless but know all too well the temptations and the disappointments. the moments of perceived failure that have only fueled greater determination towards fulfilling a destiny much more significant than oneself. it serves an intention far more vast than a single lifetime.

what is missing, brothers and sisters, is your ability to trust yourSelf with the utmost impeccability. to stop weakening your intuition with self-doubt. to cease pinching off your divine connection through comparison of how someone else is navigating it. to not only trust in mind and in heart but to become the embodiment of Spirit itself. Of Faith.

in this article you'll receive vibrational tune-ups to bring you into greater alignment with your most expanded state. lesssss do this.

seven tips to navigating like a boss

1) back to basics (follow your resonance)

the gift in this age of information is that we can rapidly lay a solid, base foundation of knowledge from a myriad of teachings/studies/resources and begin to explore our soul blueprint from there.

the curse in this age of information can be recognized in an instant - that is when we repeatedly question our ability to navigate from our own inner sanctum of sovereignty.

it begins as a few small and unsuspecting glances over the shoulder once in a while then gradually escalates into checking our back multiple times at every turn.

now don't get it twisted: discernment is healthy, self doubt is depreciative.

when we become too conceptual in our learning endeavors and forget the significant journey of embodiment, we find ourselves caught in what Buddhists refer to as the wheel of samsara; the repetitive cycle of birth and death. it can be scaled up as the wandering from one life to another with no direction or purpose and can be scaled down to the wandering from thought to thought, scattering our energies and taking us down avenues that need not be explored.

most mental pathways are the symbolic representation of energetic vampirism. they suck the life-force out of you.

when the mind has not been given over to the heart, it is recognized by a ceaseless chatter that is never satisfied. it's stuck in survival, constantly looking for the next threat. it's rooted in false desires, always looking for the next best thing to distract itself from feeling that one is less than perfect in this moment.

so in this new age where any idea can be validated by a few strokes of the keyboard, it is an actual muscle to be strengthened to be able to take on what feels right to you. and right doesn't always mean comfortable. what's right for you won't feel right for someone else.

to not get lost in contradicting "evidence" and second guessing is a positive characteristic that many people are just exploring, few have reached mastery. if you are reading this, you are well on your way.

to take it a step further...

did you know that you don't actually have to tie yourself to any viewpoint at all? consider this: in the moments we feel the most lost, when the mind can't fixate on any one thing as being right, we are actually the closest to liberation.

one of the many upgrades I've received by being an active participant in the first tier of Bentinho Massaro's civilization upgraders program is just this - the realization that we can trust and support others in The Mission but not adopt their practices if it feels like they go against the grain of our most relevant expression.

your most relevant expression in any given moment isn't something you solidify yourself to. the most relevant expression brings Us closer to a planet where it's inhabitants carry Respect as an intrinsic value, without question.

these are subtle, subtle frequencies that want to be explored. when you're feeling inner turmoil around teachings/philosophies/ideas, ask yourself: am I resisting from a place of complacency, avoiding the discomfort of growth or am I feeling misaligned because this is an approach that is not pertinent for me to explore?

2) admit that you're stubborn and be okay with your decisions (eat the donut)

have you ever noticed this funny thing we have as a species, that even when we are asking others for their feedback or expertise, even when we consciously SEEK out another being for their advice we, 95% of the time at the very least, will do our own damn thing anyways?

check this extremely 3D scenario: you're being more conscious of your diet. you have followed the rules to the T. you've eliminated your processed foods. cut back on added sugars and salts. are moving your body in a way that feels good, at least most of the time. you've been intuitively eating so not over or under doing it. you've got those micros and macros lasered in. killin' it.

and then the cravings kick in. you've not given yourself enough balance maybe. those extremist tendencies still linger in your field...

you want that fuckin Blue Star Donut. it's vegan. it's gluten free. so it's good for the planet, right? it stands for something bigger than just being a sweet little temptation in the forefront of your cerebral cortex.

so you go to your friend and ask her, what do I do?

your friend, slightly not giving af and being the one that bought the donuts in the first place, tells you to stick with your commitment. she just wants to be supportive of what she thinks you really want. possibly projecting a little too. she tells you to "crowd out" with healthy alternatives. she gives you all of the valid reasons in the book why giving up now would just lead down a familiar road of self-doubt and probable loathing. it sounds great on paper.

but you still eat that fuckin donut. you little rascal.

what happened here, is that even though your friend strung some words together that sounded in alignment with a decision you thought you should make but at a core level didn't want to, you managed to still came up with an excuse and avoid her well-intentioned advice.

you were gonna avoid it anyways. so maybe now you feel guilt. it's possible you'll fall back on that wheel of self perpetuated misery that you're used to, forced to start the cycle all over again. you may take it as far to resent your friend for just a few short hours.

now take the same scenario but reverse the role the friend plays. she's aware you're on this thing and wants to be supportive of your mental sanity and releasing the grip of 3D constraint-oriented mentality.

she whispers sweet nothings into your ear, eat the fuckin donut.

she reminds you that if you feel good when you're doing it, you're actually nourishing your body on a metaphysical level. it's literal SOUL food. EAT THE DONUT.

and with zero arm twisting required, it's gone in 30 seconds. non-existent. actual teleportation of the donut, from fingertips to belly-pit.

in this case your friend gives you advice to move towards a direction that you at a core level were DYING to anyways but on a mental/conceptual level you had convinced yourself is wrong.

it's usually in these types of scenarios that when we talk to a person that confirms this inner longing, there's a feeling of relief when they give us a verbal permission slip to do so. you were gonna do it anyways. but now you feel a bit more validated and supported in so doing. you may also feel rebellious. like you've transcended an outdated level within yourself.

the moral of the story: ditch the concepts. ditch the mental framework of what is right or wrong. I know this is old news and SO cliché but this is a truly important key to unlocking some extremely heavy, self-imposed shackles.

you feel pulled to make certain decisions because there is a polarity to be explored. there is an upgrade that is likely to happen from this gravitational resonance that by following, you fast-track yourself through lessons and timelines.

this doesn't mean things will always come to fruition how we want them to. when we follow certain pulls and then are disappointed, it is only as an indication of where we continue to outsource our wellbeing or where we still buy into the game of limitation.

think of it like those helpful bumpers when you're bowling. they're meant to redirect you towards success. and if from an expanded awareness rooted in wholeness you look back on things that you didn't get when you were rooted in neediness, you'll likely feel relieved that you avoided a mess.

3) your yesterdays SHOULD be cringe worthy

Bentinho often speaks of the importance of detachment from the false self/personality self/ego.

it is not a denying or rejecting yourself. but the less we believe that this personality is who we are then the more we are able to work with it from a balanced, less invested way.

when we remember that personality self is like wardrobe we change in and out of in congruence with what role is being asked of us in the moment, we streamline the trajectory of our lives and our mission for this planet. we don't get hung up on needing to be consistent for others. we create space between the spectator of the play and the constant changes within it, including the roles we take on.

collective wisdom is not holding these past timelines against ourselves or anyone else. if we are clearly developing from our misalignments, there is an honorable innocence here. anything else is arrogance and self-perpetuated misery.

so get this. you are BOUND to fuck up! can we just get over this already?

you are bound to look back on certain decisions you've made and question your own morality. and this, believe it or not, is a GOOD FUCKING SIGN.

this means that you have grown. that you've up-leveled from a lesser, slightly more confused version of yourself. a version operating through thicker layers of fog. from less explored levels of insecurity.

so when you look back and cringe at these other timelines - these literal other lifetimes of a teeny, tiny, insignificant freckle on the infinite face of the universe - it is a good fucking thing. you have evolved.

I would be more worried if you looked back on things even a week ago and didn't cringe a little. this is not judgement but healthy, necessary discernment on the path. if you're not cringing when you look back on past expressions of your personality self, then it likely indicates stagnation and lack of self exploration.

so getcha cringe game on my friend. it's a celebration.

4) what lenses do you see through?

even seconds after we leave a situation or experience, the MOMENT we tap into a memory, we are distorting it's true nature. we are not actually remembering it as it happened but we are layering on assumptions and expectations on top of the assumptions and expectations that were being made at the time it occurred. we are notorious for distorting the purity of circumstance by means of attaching definition. we are always seeing through filters.

this isn't a negative thing, especially when you're aware that as long as you are on this plane of existence, you will be seeing through whatever filters you choose in that moment.

when we are clearing a deeply entrenched belief from the collective, this can be likened to hearing nails on an infinitely long black chalkboard. or in other words, not feeling good about how you're interpreting your experiences when you know there are brighter ways to see. but simply recognizing that this is a distorted pair of lenses that need to wear themselves out before being disposed of in their own perfect timing, can be enough to set you free.

even those walking the path of enlightenment are choosing their lenses. you might even say they aren't wearing any lenses at all, but alas, they are simply seeing clearly. as clearly as their higher awareness is allowing in that moment.

it will always remain up to us, in each Now moment, how we will respond to what (we think)we are seeing.

5) everything is true & nothing is true (the power of paradox)

collective wisdom does not mean we take on everything everyone says as our own truth. we would never. get. anywhere. but maybe closer to a brain hemorrhage.

this point can be tricky to navigate due to the argumentative nature of the mind. the ability to even slightly understand the validity behind this point suggests a certain degree of soul advancement.

this is a fundamental understanding for any mystic/yogi/teacher who has transcended the pettiness of worldly debate. and if a person can even consider walking the path of transcendence, this is something to come to terms with.

collective wisdom requires that we understand the multidimensionality of this existence and that every point of view is valid from it's singular perspective.

everything is true from Creation's perspective. if it has form - including thoughtforms - then it's an extension of the One. if it exists, it has a right to. nothing is left out. every expression is a way for creation to experience itself.

so let's give each other a break here - we're all really just doing the best we can with the circumstances and knowledge we have collected up to this Now moment.

when a soul first enters this dimension their primary mode of communication is to cry. cry when hungry, cry when tired, cry when cranky, cry when separated from mother. cry, cry, cry. that's the only way it knows how to communicate. they don't possess the language that can get the point across in a much more efficient way.

and even though an adult knows there are more effective ways to communicate they don't resent the child. even amidst pockets of annoyance and frustration during those important developmental phases, they get it. they understand the evolutionary process from infancy to full-functioning adult. they are compassionate.

collective wisdom suggests we consider the viewpoints of others. it does not suggest that we be spoon-fed the relevant lessons and discoveries of others and attempt to force them to fit into our own schema somehow or expect others to behave in any particular way. it's the acknowledgement that you are doing it right when you experience nothing but paradox. that's what this plane is, an absolute fuckin paradox. it doesn't need to make sense and within this realization, things make more sense than ever before.

everybody has a right to their beliefs and ways of expressing. the real question remains: do they encourage freedom or further enslavement?

6) the mission of One is the mission of All (nothing is ever personal)

in this era, it is wise to understand the truth behind "nothing is personal"....unless you insist that it is of course. this a time where discernment MUST take place over surface judgement.

the mark of a free being is in their ability to be unaffected by the choices of anyone. this is so fucking important. and I understand it is also the most challenging part of being a sentient, relationally-inclined entity.

the minute you start taking things personally, you've absolutely missed the point. you can look at it from several perspectives:

the first is this. if you are interacting with an entity that you sense is more veiled than you or surrounded by more smoke than mirror, clearly this entity is prone to seeing the distorted version of things, so why would you ever outsource any amount of validation to this person? in the most loving way, why would you put any ounce of authority in someone who clearly doesn't understand the rules to their own game?

on the other hand there are beings that are navigating on similar wavelengths as you. when you interact with someone who has the Eye to See, meaning they have the capacity to play the game amidst this 3D dreamscape and also bear the codes of the 5D+ template, you understand how their operating system runs. what it's powered by.

you don't have to explain yourself much if ever at all. and when you do choose to explain yourself it feels fun and explorative and beneficial for everyone. not as a roundabout way to subtly manipulate someone so you can feel better about yourself.

in this dynamic a relationship becomes a catalytic container. when one is triggered by the other it is seen as an opportunity to explore perspectives and behaviors that keep one rooted in suffering. it's the road to rapid expansion. and if at some point that container feels like it's reached max capacity, if it feels to one or all persons that it's time to move on, then again it's nothing personal.

it's seen as a choreographed dance where we experience the choreography as it arises rather than it being practiced beforehand.

when you are interfacing with humans who are awake - connected to their intuition and following their nudges to the best of their ability - you can trust them. even when they are seemingly rejecting you from this limited, fractal perspective you can wholeheartedly know that they are making decisions from a holistic space, as much as they can.

accepting guidance from the internal compass means we're not seeking temporary fixes. it acknowledges one is following a less personal, more omnipresent and all encompassing spirit that has a much broader understanding of the highest timelines of everyone involved.

in nature we don't see species of plant or animal taking things personally. they aren't over-analyzing their odds of survival. they don't stress the ebbs and flows of their existence. they take each moment as it arises with fresh eyes, being guided by this omniscient force.

when we grok that the same force lies active within our own field and wants to lead us every step of the way, why would we ever consider anything as being personal ever again? why would we ever feel the need to stress the underlying blueprint of any interaction?

7) be a conscious lighthouse (how to reflect each other with integrity)

take the need to agree or disagree with each others' chosen perspectives out of the equation. the key principle in Life is to honor the Godhead in one another.

we can each be lighthouses for each other, holding the loving space for distortions to arise without confining each other to any illusory point on the scale of comparison. by comparing and contrasting we limit our capacity to meet others in ever higher timelines while also confining ourselves to a less fulfilling reality.

sure, we may notice when others are acting or speaking from misaligned perspectives but isn't it arrogant to think that they're not already aware of their own misplaced priorities? and who's to say they're even misplaced and not perfectly synchronized expressions in their puzzle of time and space.

in my own experience, we have three chief options when navigating how to be a conscious, loving mirror for one another.

1) when it feels like the highest service to address it with the other, whether or not they ask for it, do so with the intention of their best interest at heart. if they ask for an open dialogue we have a bit more wiggle room to proceed in addressing the misalignment we sense, but still move forward with integrity.

2) notice when you're actually just projecting. where are you possibly filling in the blanks and using this person as a mirror to explore your own insecurities through their expression?

this can be a tricky one to pinpoint. if it ever turns from you holding space to reflect another into you, from a place of unease, trying to dissect the actions and assume the motivations of an individual, you are being guided to turn inward. holding space feels light and impersonal. a projection feels weighted and emotional. if you don't course correct on your own, a beautiful reflection will be sent to help you do so.

3) explore when it's in the highest interest of the individual for you to NOT reveal any insight into the situation at all, in lieu of greater understanding to unravel for that entity. sense when space is the ideal solution for immeasurable growth. growth that can sometimes ONLY occur when one navigates fully from Self to self, without any outside interpretations.

and of course sometimes the lines feel blurry and sometimes they blend. the greater the desire to be a vessel of Light, the better you'll become at deciphering. most importantly, hold faith knowing that each portion of the Goddess will eventually make it's way back to Her in their own perfect time. it's no biggy.

final thoughts

long story short: collective wisdom recognizes that this whole thing is an endless array of speculation. we are each, truly, full of ourselves. but that's also the beauty of this life, you get to choose the kool-aid you're drinking. we can respect what someone else has chosen to explore as the spark of the Creator that they are just as we would appreciate others to respect our chosen reality.

we hold the keys for one another. we can acknowledge that interdependence is just as important as independence only when we recognize that We Are All

just walking each other Home. Infinity & Beyond,



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