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The Art of Cultivating Your Inner Fire (7 Tips)

even if you feel like you’re wrong. ESPECIALLY if you feel like you’re wrong. whatever you’re tapping into - if you feel inspired, lit up, passionate about the expression of it - let it out!

it's like stoking a fire. fire in this case being synonymous with heart-based, soulful living. we ask for the fire. we read books and listen to YouTube videos on how to build and maintain the fire. and then the momentum picks up. friction builds. and the second it finally sparks up we psych ourselves out. we suffocate it with our own self criticisms. doubts. what if’s. rights and wrongs.

how many times do you catch yourself judging the way you cultivate your fire? or compare your techniques to that of others you admire?

a fire is a fire is a fire.

we are united by this internal spark. but the way it is asking to be expressed through your vehicle is designed to be different than everyone else’s. if you need to, maybe even take the time to unfollow those individuals you compare yourself to the most. or take a break from all media for a bit while you learn the art of fire cultivation, for no other reason than the feeling that comes when you answer the calling of your soul. nothing else tastes as sweet. not the ever-fleeting, short lived moments of social validation. and conformity never (ever ever EVER) felt good to a spirit as free as yours.

we are meant to experience the wonder of appreciating this fire in all of its glory. so gather momentum. let the heat build. let it burn away the impurities in its own timing. and whatever you do:

do not.


your own fire.

7 tips to fuel your flame

1) don't wait for others to agree on your calling

the more you seek validation from others, the more likely your expression will be diluted and the less likely you will deliver on the vibrational intention of spirit.

you are not here to sound like your teacher. to sound like your best friend. to "follow" anyone in any sense of the word. you may share similar resonances that speak to you on an energetic-emotional level, but that doesn't mean you should alter your expression to match another's.

the best form of flattery to an ego is mimicry. the greatest form of admiration to a conscious being is authenticity, no matter which shade of the infinite rainbow is being expressed.

if your work doesn't raise some eyebrows now and then, I would actually be worried, because then it's more likely that you are playing it safe. still trying to consciously or subconsciously cater to the ideas and opinions of others.

2) the child is not yours

this is for the billy jeans out there. remember that what is birthed, through whatever outlet is relevant for the expression of your soul, does not belong to you.

if you vibe with my work, that means there is a frequential resonance, a recognition, an energetic exchange that is happening on a soul level. these are not "my words" and this is not "my work," rather, it's me tapping into a collective calling for a certain understanding and becoming the bridge for like-minded beings. that's all that soul expression really is:

1) are you open and receptive enough to hear the calling?

2) are you courageous enough to answer the calling?

3) are you humble enough to empty yourself of ownership so to make room for the next creation waiting to burst through the floodgates?

3) understand relative truths

they say the highest truths are paradoxical in nature. freewill vs destiny. being vs doing. change vs permanence. true simultaneity.

the more humanity awakens into the 5D grid, the more it's necessary for us to understand that every word spoken or perspective seen is a relative truth. relative to the density we're embodying in that moment. relative to the amount of smoke in front of the mirrors. relative to the specific point we are trying to drive home.

don't let the fear of others coming in with a "more spiritual" truth or "higher perspective" get in the way of you expressing what is being begged of you to express. notice how tempting it can be to shoot yourself down while trying to avoid an imaginary bullet coming from somebody else.

the things we regret most are usually the words we didn't say. the times we didn't stand up for ourselves. the moments where we dimmed our own light because we compared it to those who have been cultivating theirs longer or in ways that we admire.

4) do not tailor to an audience

as our consciousness expands, so too will the complexity of the messages we share. the varying undertones relayed through the messages will become greater.

have you ever read a book several times, at different points in your life, and each time felt like you were reading a different book? the message in the book is the same. the words haven't changed. but what has changed each time are the lenses through which you are interpreting the message.

evolution is like night vision goggles meets transparency glasses. the more you evolve, the more you turn up the power on the lenses. you sometimes see things from an angle that allows an expansion to occur that wasn't previously catalyzed. or what once might have seemed completely groundbreaking may now seem like common sense, like a foundational piece you needed at an earlier time.

the more you expand, the more layers are woven into the fabric of your message. so no matter who's exposed to your content, they'll take just what they need.

5) your blind spots will be revealed in due time

release content. write that article. share that video. express that perspective that you know others will disagree on.

in doing so, you're much more likely to see the distortions in your perceptions simply by releasing your POV out to the wolves. and you'll also realize the "wolves" are only there to show you where you're still holding onto painful ideas that are rooted in fear. you'll realize that the wolves really don't give a fuck most of the time unless a deeply engrained belief of theirs is existentially threatened.

through putting it out there, you'll be surprised at how many veils will be burned away simply by standing in the purifying Light of your own conviction.

6) don't wait on perfect - you'll never get there

have you ever noticed the innate pull we have towards people who give little to no fucks? and it's easy to spot the difference between the IDGAF rooted in soul versus the IDGAF stemming from a fear of rejection. just hear me out:

there's a rare kinda person out there - no matter how dry their humor, how pessimistic they may seem at times. no matter how perfectly inappropriate they are. there is something about those who are raw, honest and real that feel the best to be around. they have embraced the cracks in the diamond that they are, giving us permission to do the same. there's no façade. no wasted energy spent talking themselves up. there's a relief we feel in their presence. a loving reminder that questions, "who tf are you trying to impress anyways? nobody gives a flying F."

this, my friends, is the state of authenticity.

your mission on earth is one of crystallizing the throat chakra. to be the embodiment of authentic expression. the thing about crystallization is while it sounds like a static state, it is constantly undergoing the process of de-structuring and re-structuring. there really is no end to this. so remember, if you're waiting for perfect, you'll always be waiting.

nobody else has the capacity to deliver on your soul's essence. so don't let the fear of getting it wrong stop you. it's all in that beautifully confused mind of yours.

7) success does not equal output

every micro-reflection of the universe shares this Law of expansion and contraction. one cannot be distinguished without the other. only from a third dimensional perspective is it tempting to label one as being more or less desirable.

the more rungs we climb on the ladder of densities, the more we merge with the impersonal nature of the Godhead. we learn to honor the natural ebb and flow of our own expressionate nature.

in western culture, it is fascinating to see how burnout is not only common but absolutely encouraged. that the more you produce/output/emit is somehow directly correlated to your success. this could not be further from the truth.

there is a saying attributed to Abraham Lincoln that goes, "give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."

so too, we sharpen our blades of perception through meditation. self-care. time alone. through any practice which allows us to clear the auric infringement that occurs from absorbing the ideas of this earth.

it's in our ability to receive divine direction through resting, recharging, and refueling that determines how potent our messages are when we are finally called to birth them into the world.


I hope this can bring some clarity and motivation to you guys. forget about getting it right. just get at it. what'd I miss? leave it in the comments!


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