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Subtle energy principles 101

This week’s video is a little different.

I read aloud the very first section of my in-depth article released last week, “What the actual F is happening on our planet?”

The first section of the article dives into delicious principles that I believe will help us all have a smoother transition during this time.

In this 10 minute video you’ll learn the basics of subtle energy principles, soul codes and blueprints, and how all of this ties back into what we’re seeing play out globally.

Also, I’m including here the note that was sent in my most recent newsletter. You can sign up to my mailing list and receive these several times a month by registering below.

Don’t worry, you won’t be bombarded with frivolous shit and I would never share your information with any other parties.

Let’s dance, shall we?

Written on July 2, 2020.

The most beautiful thing occurred today.

I’m a Virgo sun sign.

Which means when I work on articles, especially longer in-depth ones, it can take quite a while before I feel like I can publish it.

You know, the smallest tweaks and articulatory variations really can make a huge difference in terms of the potency of transmission.

And I’ve been working on this article I promised you guys for a couple weeks now…

Just putting the finishing touches on it this week.

And I’ve been antsy to release it because there are some potent codes in it but I also didn’t want to rush anything.

I’d sit down and be guided to make sure I didn’t forget a necessary point, or something that would tie the ideas all together, or to help with flow and integration.

I slowly watched the length of the article get longer and longer despite my own discomfort around the length.

But I trust my guides were nudging me to include a certain amount of depth for a reason.

Today on my run, I heard my guides come through and say very clearly,

“It’s ready.”

Which is funny, because I felt that I had a couple days or so to go.

But sure enough, I went through this afternoon with fresh eyeballs and scanned through. Just a few tweaks and a deep sensation that it was indeed, ready.

All of that to say, the in-depth global energy report is now live and active.

I have a feeling this will really help massage out mental-emotional-spiritual tensions for many right now as I dive into the nature of reality in terms of subtle energies, soul codes and blueprints, and how it all relates back to what we’re seeing on this shared screen of reality.

Oh yes, for the closet nerds out there, there are yummy resources included to help further your own conviction in these truths that we’ve felt for many, many millennia.

Let me know if you check it out!

Much love.



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