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Selecting the right Soulmate💞 (8 things to consider)

In today's video, I dive into more than a few things to consider that may help you in selecting a Romantic Counterpart Dynamic that will serve as a container for immense healing, transformation, and rapid soul expansion.

A few things we dive into:

💘How to make space / welcome in a counterpart dynamic

💘One of the main compatibility factors to consider (shadow work & trauma healing potential)

💘The difference between a karmic relationship and what most people refer to as a soulmate relationship (hint: karmic relationships are those that take place prior to spiritual awakening)

💘Dating soul family (beings that share a similar soul signature as you)

💘Using your psychic abilities to tune into probable timeline realities to honestly assess if this is a right match for you in a romantic way (as you awaken you'll call in many soul tribe members. Not all dynamics are meant to be explored in this way)

Along with a few other perspective shifts, I know this content will bring clarity and breathing room to those drawn to it. Just another aspect of life where we lean into love and the highest outcome for all involved in order to make our decisions. Choose wisely🙂

Until next time Star Family,

Travel Light✨


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