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Saturn Return: Current Gains & Losses

Episode 2 came so quick!😁

In today's video I give a bit of insight into the polarizing nature that this planetary event, known as a Saturn Return, can be.

As many things that have willfully crumbled and been pushed and shoved out of my life, there have been many upsides (more than not actually) to this time of intensity that couldn't hold a flame to what has fallen away.

Just like anything else, although we move through similar patterns and rhythms and initiations as a species, the subtleties and undertones and layers will be intricately unique to each individual; these intricacies will be parallel to the lessons and discoveries that each soul has intended within this lifetime and will be just as unique in both subtle and gross ways.

For those who are also going through their Saturn Return right now, how are you holding up?

I wanna hear from you in the comment section, what is restructuring itself for you? What's being called forth from you at this time?

Time to get real cozy with the process of rebirth.

Travel Light,



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