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Reality Bubbles & How They Steer You Away From or Towards Your Divine Destiny

Hey Star Fam💫

Happy to be connecting with you through yet another medium🙏

I’ve been strongly guided by my team behind the scenes to bring awareness to the topic of Reality Bubbles during this time of epic transformation on our planet. I recently made a video created for those beings that identify with being highly sensitive to the energies of individuals and of collective consciousness or groups.

We’ve been called empaths, HSP’s or Highly Sensitive Peoples, sensitive souls, sensitive beings, you name it. It’s never the label that is important so much as the understanding of what the label represents.

I believe this information is extremely pertinent to our ability to navigate these times and step into a reality that is ours by Divine Right. If you haven’t tuned in yet, my video is a great supplement to this article as I cover the relationship of bubble realities with the current Covid-19 situation.

When you’re aware of the nature of reality bubbles, the energetic-mental-emotional bodies you are part of, you also become aware of their ability to influence your decisions and direction. You gain greater sovereignty as a Creator-Being, only agreeing to the influences that support what is true for you and your Heart’s Path.

Understanding this at even a basic level will aid in the navigation of collective energy and will be essential in the levels of happiness, health, peace and prosperity experienced in your everyday life. With all the discussion of health and economic crisis at the forefront of many people’s attention, I know this information is essential for many at this time.

First - What is a “reality bubble”?

In my video I discussed the varying levels of collective consciousness. Collective consciousness in my understanding is what has been confirmed through various studies of what’s known as Group Mind in the scientific community, that is, the collective pot of ideas, beliefs, morals and values, and overall level of consciousness formed within a group.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines group mind as “the beliefs and desires common to a social group as a whole; a hypothetical psychic unity or collective consciousness of a group of individuals.”

When you combine your energetic field with one or more people, you create a reality bubble. That is, by the conjoining of energetic information through each individual's auric field, a separate vibrational entity is formed. It is also important to note here, as shown in studies of what’s known as the Hundredth Monkey Effect, we do not have to be in the same physical vicinity of one another to be affected by these energetic domains. We now have equipment that measures and confirms the validity of *some* of these subtle energetic fields and how they operate through Quantum Physics.

I like to think of each reality bubble we are part of as “subscriptions.” Due to the various circumstances we find ourselves in, we each have quite a few of these relationships.

Levels of Reality Bubbles – Default & Adopted

There is a planetary reality bubble that we are all subscribed to by default of being incarnated on Earth. In recent years, the ability to influence this bubble has been made much more efficient due to heightened levels of connectivity via technology. However, we see that for the most part this gift is being used as a weapon against humanity by beings that fall under the umbrella of being “service to self.” A service to self being is an individual or organization that sees others as a means to an end in order to further one’s own agenda, whether that agenda be hidden or blatant. These beings are involved with proliferating ideas of fear, competition, lack, and limitation that keep people pinned against one another and living disharmonious lives.

Your race and gender come with their own bubble realities. The country you’re born into, the culture that you find yourself immersed in. The experiences you have when you’re younger, the ideas and environments you’re exposed to all come with them their own reality bubbles. You develop a certain energetic relationship with these groups and with the other people that fall into the same default reality bubbles. As you progress through your life you will find yourself subscribing to various other groups, inevitably, through things like friendships, romantic interests, families, your job, your spiritual communities, etc.

To take it even a step further so you can really understand the level at which we are intricately connected, even the labels you agree to will subscribe you to different group mental bodies.

A good example is the “single mom” paradigm. Sometimes people like to refer to me as a single mom. The only time you’ll hear me reference myself as a single mom is if my intention is to influence other “single parents” to seeing that their way of living can be extremely abundant, fun, free, and non-conventional from society’s standards. Otherwise, I forget that most people would consider me in that way because it’s not a reality bubble I choose to subscribe to due to the overarching and extremely limiting assumptions that go along with that collective consciousness domain.

Other examples of “labels” or subscriptions that are less tangible to the physical senses are things like anti-vaxxers or pro-lifers (and of course their opposing groups) – lots of charge in these ones! Blonde, vegan, carnivore, yogi, bicyclist, van lifer, Jersey Shore, YouTuber, blogger, dog mom, ferret lover… as long as you’re in this world you are creating and maintaining relationships within these intangible and tangible groups.

Let’s take the phenomenon I experience with social media that I’m sure you feel as well. No matter how aware I am of these operations I can’t help feel a certain way due to the number beneath a post. It’s an extremely active part of the group mental body for that number in some way to mean something about your level of worthiness or respectability or ability to influence. The amount of anxiety I used to experience when creating a post baffles me. Becoming aware of these mental bodies, now I get it. I understand that the level of anxiety I was feeling was in direct proportion to the amount of people having a similar relationship towards this virtual realm of validation, or lack thereof.

The more you notice the invasive and life-sucking bubbles the more you can hit that “unsubscribe” button where you see fit. By creating healthier pathways within an idea domain we assist in raising the consciousness level of that group. Over time not only do these negative domains lessen their control over your energy but you will find yourself operating within bubble realities that support your soul signature more fully.

How Reality Bubbles Can Keep Us In “The Matrix”

Once you’re sparked with the awareness of even a few overarching energetic influences you’ll begin to notice even more examples in your own life. Gaining awareness of how each subscription influences our fields, we are able to better sift through what may or may not be assisting the most natural expression of our spirits. These uninvestigated group mind ideals are a huge reason why so many people find themselves living their lives out of the default, templated scripts within each dynamic. Each of these within (what many people refer to as) “the matrix” feeds into one another, keeping the majority of humanity operating under predictable guidelines and patterns.

Take a very common scenario like dating. There is not a person I have met (yet) that denies the script I’m about to lay out, regardless of whether or not they are drawn to metaphysics or spirituality. I choose this example because it’s pretty much relatable universally.

You’ve been there. You’re really been vibing with someone, really loving their company, enjoying the heightened levels of connectivity in every area of life that a love interest can spark. If you’ve been in love before you get it – even something as mundane as doing the dishes is a fricken act of your undying love and devotion for that person. You want to do everything with them and the time you’re spending together is unforcedly increasing. Everything is colored in rose. Negativity has a hard time reaching you on the cloud you’re riding on ☁🧘☁

And as this dynamic progresses and you’re spending the majority of your time together physically and non-physically, you are inclined to do the unthinkable: to show the world and each other your commitment to one another by smacking a label on it.

Now, labels as they stand alone are not the issue. However, we tend to forget that the most important part of a label is its representation. In the case of romance, it's for all parties involved to be on the same page about the various agreements within the romantic association. As a sensitive, it has truly become an undeniable pattern that the second a label has been slapped on a romantic dynamic with little intentionality, things start getting…shifty.

All of a sudden there are unspoken rules and expectations. You’re not allowed to find anyone else sexually attractive or stimulating, you’re not allowed to flirt, you’re not allowed to hang out with the opposite sex (or same sex in some cases) alone, you have to do everything with one another. Heaven forbid you make plans without the other person in mind🤯🤯🤯

What once felt playful and loving and curious and innocent very quickly turns to possessiveness, jealousy, insecurity, etc.

What happened?

The two of you made an invisible subscription to the reality bubble of a “boyfriend-girlfriend” dynamic. Or girlfriend-girlfriend, couple, partnership, you get the gist.

I see this play out over and over and over again. And it is such an obvious thing to me, now anyways. And unless all parties are aware enough to break through those paradigms as a unit, we see how most of these dynamics end up. Before they know it they’re back to the drawing board, or in many cases, the swiping left and right screen. No hate😁.

When couples “break up” there is also a reality bubble most people subscribe to, almost without fault. It’s the bubble where it’s expected that you trash your ex, you forget the things that drew you together, you can’t talk or be friends. There's little acknowledgement of what the potential lessons were. Shit’s sour. Again this is generalizing, but for the most part this is how it goes, especially if there are kids involved.

Maya’s father and I have been separated for about three years now. I moved out of our shared household two years ago. It’s not until I’m talking to someone about our dynamic that again I am reminded of our unique situation: that we are just choosing to exist within very different reality bubble from the one that’s generally laid out. He is one of my best friends and I love him dearly. Trust me when I say we had been through some darkness as a couple. Navigating infidelity on both sides before and after Maya was born, among other things.

This reconfiguration of our relationship into something more platonic truly enhanced our interactions and how we show up for Maya. I deeply feel that it was part of our soul’s contract to have had this journey together. We influence these energetic spheres in a way that tells of a much more harmonic possibility. I’m not saying we’re the only ones to have this dynamic but I am saying that based on many of my interactions with couples whether separated or together, with or without kids, that it is few and far in between.

These Matrix-maintaining bubbles overlap and overlay, feeding into one another. They play into the basic template in our society: go to school, higher education, career, get married, have kids...most importantly don't ask too many questions or stand too far out along the way. Continue generational cycles by expecting the same from your kids. Golden😉

The Cultural Overlay

I'll continue with this example of dating. My personal relationship towards romantic partners is definitely much different than it once was. However, because I’m immersed in the American dating culture, when a romantic interest is sparked and maintained for some time, I’m not surprised when triggers and clearings begin to occur on both ends.

Which leads me to my next point: it’s important to remember that the culture you are in also influences these reality bubbles, whether or not it's in alignment with your soul's most natural expression. Culture provides a certain seasoning or flavor to each group bubble.

There is an incredible book called Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What it Means For Modern Relationships. This book in a huge way inadvertently impacted my understanding of collective consciousness within these mental subscriptions we make. It’s helped me gather deeper understanding of the influence that culture alone has on our beliefs and ideas of what’s considered morally right and wrong.

It was liberating to discover many scenarios in which various cultures have a radically different relationship towards sex and promiscuity. Did you know that "promiscuous" is defined simply as “having many transient sexual relationships” and that the negative undertone that is felt by most upon hearing the word is part of our culture’s group mind around it?

This was one of my favorite examples to share with people as I was reading the book: in some cultures it is actually custom for the bride to sleep with every male on the groom’s side of the family, no matter how many days that took.

First thought. Where do I find this Garden of Eden??😳

Second thought. It was part of this culture’s belief around marriage, their collective agreement, that a marriage is blessed by the bride engaging sexually with the groom’s male family members therefore it was seen as perfectly just and morally right. Can you imagine the type of discrimination that would happen if a couple in our culture committed such an act? I can’t even begin…

It’s cute when we think of “swingers”, how that’s so far out! Without much discussion we can feel how they’re seen in the eyes of most. There’s a strong undertone of judgement and disgust with maybe a splash of curiosity when discovered by people that do not belong to that group mental body.

Maybe I’ve been exposed to enough diversity in my life to just get it: even if something is not my cup of tea doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suit another being’s evolution perfectly. Different journeys, that’s it.

How to Tune Into the Collective Consciousness of a Group or Idea

Remember, each idea in itself is a living entity. And within each gross entity or gross organism are sub-entities or sub-organisms. Like any entity that is able to survive and thrive, it has to be fed. Our investment of energy is what causes a belief system to either live or die. And just like we would be cautions of where we invest our monetary resources, it’s important that we be wary of where we’re investing our energetic resources.

I have found after much introspection that the amount of intensity felt, the energetic charge, about a certain topic or subject within predominant reality bubbles is absolutely relative to the number of beings that are feeling a similar charge around that topic, whether those ideas be rooted in love and truth or in fear and lack matters not. But again, many of the ideas in our society tend to have a negative undertone; for the most part this exploration has been made possible due to triggers around heavier emotions for me.

Also be aware of the ideas and reality bubbles that feel expansive. The ones that feel fun, vibrant, enticing, maybe even challenging in some cases. If the group's mental body is contributing in a positive way to how you're coloring your reality, know that you are

1) allowing greater expression of your soul through the influence of these reality bubbles thus activating higher timeline potentials and 2) adding to the collective consciousness of the planet those frequencies that make it easier for more individuals to also align with their highest timelines🌍

When I lose my mom cool and yell at my sweet, innocent, non-provoking child🙄 I instantly feel my relationship to the reality bubble subscription of what it means to be a “good parent” versus a bad one. The yuckiness I feel suggests not only do many beings exist and operate within this thought-paradigm but it is also one that is mired with much distortion and uninvestigated emotion.

Keep in mind that before we have had the time to investigate our own relationship towards and within a group or idea, the main energetic impulses felt suggests the predominant vibrations within a domain and whether they are in or out of sync with our own harmonic resonance. For the most part, it stands valid that this is how I’m able to identify how mass consciousness is relating towards a topic, subject, person, organization, etc. – by the level of intensity of various feelings I'm sensing and the type of feelings.

Let's take a deeper dive. Take about 10 seconds to let each of these words sink in so you can really experience the effects:

What do you feel when I say Hitler?

What do you feel when I say true love?




Those initial sensations are telling. Try sensing into each subject before you filter through your own experience, assuming your experience has altered your charge towards a subject. Your distortions OR realizations around a topic can alter your charge. The levels to which you’ve explored your own internal world as it’s reflected back to you in the forms and shapes they uniquely take in your life also alter your charge.

Because I have developed an understanding of each soul’s unique journey, I don’t have many negative triggers that are long standing but I can still tune into how the collective relates towards a topic whether positive or negative. I am also aware if something meets my harmonic resonance or not, meaning if it fits into what I’m here to explore, without needing to make the subject of investigation good or bad.

The Metaphysical Benefits of Unplugging

When you understand reality bubbles, you’ll also understand the importance of consciously disconnecting from what influences the expression of your unique soul signature. For example, a major influence for many is social media and many of us are aware of the illusions that are fed by lack of mindfulness when engaging.

You’ll also begin to understand the need to lovingly take space from any other groups or people or organizations that have over the course of however long you’ve been involved with them, given you a sense of identity. That have either confirmed or denied who you think you are from the illusory perspective, from the perspective of expectation, from the perspective of “you are this person, in this body, living this life, and I expect you to be A,B, and C based on past interactions.”

Do you remember the quote that says “if you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family?” Well, that’s a very telling indication to the effects of how these mental body, reality bubble subscriptions can create non-serving feedback loops that keep us operating in the same uncomfortable, limiting frequency domains.

In general, when we get around people that expect past versions of ourselves it can become increasingly challenging to remain faithful to who we now know ourselves to be, especially when we're unaware of vibrational thresholds within reality bubbles.

This applies towards people that you work with, friendships, romantic partners, family. Anyone you have been in a relationship with long enough for them to have developed a sense of predictability towards you. When you’re in a process of continual evolution and also highly sensitive, personality expectations can feel confining and restricting.

Conclusion: The Upside

A friendly side note: I came at this from a more shadowy perspective and there are many positives to mental bodies within certain collectives. Also important to note that, from the soul’s perspective, we are called into these various roles and bubbles for a reason. We need starseeds and lightworkers and seekers of truth to inhabit every race, culture, background, country there is in order to infiltrate each bubble that exists.

I recently uploaded this on my business account as a caption for a set of earrings I made:

Apparently this message is seeping through me in every way it can find😅

Many have come to recognize that lasting change is an inside job. We know one positive habit leads to one more. We know in biology that the harmonic operation of one cell influences the cells around them. We are aware of what happens when the opposite occurs – cancerous thoughts and cancerous cells create more cancer. If left unattended it can completely overtake and potentially destroy an organism.

Consider Mother Gaia 🌍 as a single entity encompassed of all these energetic frequencies that are harmonizing at some points and creating chaos at others. Each human being is a cell within themselves with the power to influence Mother Gaia directly by existing within the groups we do and holding steady the vibration of Truth. By holding steady the understanding that everyone is at different levels of consciousness exploring different dimensions and different realities for different reasons and that’s perfect.

It’s just as it should be.

The beautiful paradox of changing our reality is, is that when we stop resisting what’s in front of us, what’s meant for us now actually has space to come through.

It’s said that a truly liberated being is one who is honestly detached. And it doesn’t mean one who is necessarily removed from the world, living peacefully and undisturbed in a cave. But it is a being who finds him or herself immersed in the myriad of pleasures and pains with an open palm; nothing to grasp and nothing to fight. Just enjoying the show.

Wherever you find yourself on this planet, in whatever dimensions you’re currently exploring and the multitude of inevitable complexities that come with them... My wish for you and my wish for all of humanity is that we may live more from that place of Divine Liberation.

Just enjoying the show🙂

Infinite Blessings,




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