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The key to quantum leaps & collapsing timelines

First of all, what the hell is a quantum leap?

This is one of those spiritual terms we hear thrown around within communities and intuitively we may understand what the reference is pointing towards.

But just so we’re on the same page,

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a quantum leap is an abrupt change, sudden increase, or dramatic advance.

It’s a play off the term ‘quantum jump’ (referring specifically to molecules, atoms, and electrons) where an abrupt transition is noted, from one discrete energy state to another.

And because we are all Wise Owls out here who are drawn to content like this, we understand that what is able to occur on a subatomic level is also able to occur on a macrocosmic level.

Not to put down the New Age in any way, because it actually refers to ancient and mystical knowledge simply being put to practice in a modern time,

But a major foundation in many of its teachings is the idea that what exists as a subtle form of frequency, will manifest itself externally into the grosser realms, the realms perceivable by the senses.

As within, so without.

So, not to take you guys down too many rabbit holes and to get back to the initial point of this week’s transmission;

They key ingredient to us making any type of quantum shift or collapsing the timeline trajectory that we’re currently on is to forget what it is we think we already know about ourselves, who we’ve been “in the past” and who we think we’re going to be “in the future.”

Let’s take this common scenario below,

If we’re expecting things to go wrong for us all the time because that’s what we remember from old versions of reality when we had more karma to clear and thicker veils of illusion to burn through,

And life is out here bringing many things that are actually going very right,

That attachment to the old story, to what has been a) doesn’t allow us to enjoy or appreciate the good that has already seeped its way through the cracks of our stubbornness,

And b) it’s not likely that we’re going to make any big advances any time soon with that sour ass attitude and the insistence on wanting to be right about something that is actually keeping oneself terribly shackled to a version of reality that is incredibly lackluster and outdated.

Not to mention the “good” might as well not even exist because again, we’ve been conditioned to look to our trauma bodies as being our overworked and underpaid guidance counselors versus our Spiritual Team and Guides who are trying to usher us to a more harmonic way of existing.

This week’s video and content was inspired by real-time explorations for me.

This is not just a fun concept I'm throwing around to sound super cool at my next cocktail party.

I did experience an incredible quantum leap in an area that at first seemed completely new and unexplored to me… at least this time ‘round.

Quick backstory: I meditate collectively around 40 to 60 minutes every day, at the very least, and last week I began to receive very direct messages and visions during my meditation sessions.

I was feeling a natural childlike excitement around general Tarot and Oracle card sessions and wanted to try on for size, being the reader.

Something that I will be the first to admit, I used to low key scoff at.

You know that energy when you have a really direct experience of a miracle and you go and ‘throw your pearls in front of swine’ and share with that undeserving someone,

And they kind of belittle you and have a condescending air about them because it doesn’t necessarily fit what they’re here to explore?

Yeah. I had that energy before actually diving into this myself. Just a wee bit I might add, but enough to be noticed by my Wise Inner Witness.

Which is a great segue into how Spirit has revealed to me that these types of scenarios are just another way that our Higher Self seeks to break down our barriers and dissolve even more veils of separation and illusion,

It’s by creating these versions of self that feel one way one day, and then we’re almost forced into its opposite the next just to show how we’ve been hiding behind conditions and subliminally undermining another Creator-Being’s version of being a Creator-Being.

I mean, I’ve heard so many times from my favorite Channelers, people pulling through incredibly potent Light Codes for the collective and have been doing so for decades,

It’s funny to note the thread of commonality, how much of the time the people that were selected for these roles are the same individuals who had at one point in their lifetime, thought that it was complete bullshit.

The more we step into our Divine Roles and show up for these Divine Assignments the less we see it’s about what we can understand and the more we’re forced into the surrender state.

If you’ve been consciously on your path for some time you’ll get it – the second we think we know who we are, life throws a curve ball at us shattering that perception as well.

It doesn’t want us to think we know…

Thinking we know what’s meant for us keeps doors open that should’ve been shut long ago and it keeps doors closed that are waiting to open us to brighter realities.

Had I fed into the idea that just because I’d never done something before,

That I should “stay in my own lane,”

I wouldn’t have had that profound experience of unlocking that specific portion of my Akashic Record that allowed a well-spring of guidance and insight and psychic powers to be activated to a new level, advancing my Earth Mission into its next phase of impact.

And that’s also what collapsing a timeline or making a quantum leap is,

You skip all the in-between of going from novice to established,

You have a beginner’s mind and because of that, you enhance your connection to the Higher Mind.

The less we are certain about who we are and where we’re going the more we leave room for what’s actually meant for us to flood in.

Like the “open palm” analogy I used the other day with a Soul Sistar who is going through a major clearing of her relational house;

It’s imperative to have an open palm as we go about life.

An open palm means we’re not gripping, we’re not controlling,

We’re able to freely receive the bounty of what life has in store for us,

And life is able to freely take away from us, what is no longer meant to be in our lives.

We know that if it’s meant to be, it’s not up to us from this smaller, limited perspective to decide.

We don’t have to know where it’s leading to and who we’re becoming, because as we see play out many times personally and collectively,

Life usually has other plans in store.

There’s a reason why we call it Infinite Intelligence,

And it works in ways that far surpass what a human brain can even attempt to grasp.

Everything that happens in our lives is happening in order to usher us into a state of surrender, into a state of Remembrance;

Into deeper connection with our Spiritual Teams, a deeper trust with the Source of it All, a deeper conviction of our Earth Mission and Life’s Purpose.

We can, as Ramana Maharshi would say, let the train (Source) carry our baggage.

We can enjoy the splendors and pitfalls that this whole play has to offer,

Release our need to draw conclusions,

Undo self-imposed shackles,

And after dabbling on the path of Faith and Surrender for some time,

Maybe keeping one toe in the realms of Logic and Reason… just in case ;)

We begin to collect more evidence in the beauty and freedom that comes from relinquishing our stories,

Letting go what we think is best for us,

And we look to the Silent One within that permeates All Matter, All Dimensions, All Universes and Multiverses,

That actually knows how to fulfill our deepest desires and innermost callings.

That sounds more enjoyable to me at least😊

You can find the 8 minute video for this week’s transmission by visiting this link.

And if you'd like to book a Divination Reading, click here.

Much love my friends,

Travel Light,




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