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Powerful forgiveness technique (transmute negative karma)

On Forgiveness.

Maybe at first we find ourselves applying spiritual principles and moral codes from a more cognitive place.

We admire the dignity and charisma of individuals that have embodied a level of purification and selflessness to the point where things like compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness aren’t ideals that they Will themselves into emanating


they have undergone such a deep level of Alchemy that their hearts truly have become that of Gold.

& from that level, Benign Sovereignty is the most organic form of existence.

Although conceptually, even intuitively, we can assume certain ways of being bring us closer to God and certain ways of being keep us further from Grace,

It’s not until we have made this transition; moving from conceptual to experiential, from thinking to being, that we begin to exude certain qualities of Heart that allow us to authentically operate from the realm of the Golden Rule.

We begin to truly See👁

Our shadows exist within the darkness of other-selves,

& so too our Light is reflected back to us from the brilliance of God that has been unearthed to varying degrees in other-selves.

If we desire to transcend into the higher, more heavenly realms of consciousness, unforgiveness cannot make the journey.

“Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Have you noticed how forgiving children are?

Easily forgiving us when we meet a fractal of darkness in their presence; effortlessly forgiving of each other when they meet a moment of disagreement or discord.

The experience comes and it goes.

Without strain they snap back into alignment with their soul's expression.

& from my personal observation of young children, they don’t yet have the capacity to carry the poison of contempt in their hearts. Not for long anyways.

In this video I offer a beautiful technique that I received as a loving transmission from my Angels and Spirit Guides.

I hope it serves you as it’s served me, to take these practices from conception into true embodiment.




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