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My journey with epilepsy & fainting spells (spiritual illnesses, western medicine, & more)

Hey Star Family💞

How ya'll doin with everything?

Firstly I want to say, I appreciate you all so much. I appreciate all the love that you guys have been showing me across all platforms. Whether you're seeing this on YT, IG, FB or any other abbreviate-able I haven't mentioned, thank you for reflecting back to me, the Love that I Am and that We Are.

Next, as I reiterate several times within this video (& I think it's safe to remind in general) that the views that I offer, the expression that I embody, are not ones that I am in any way trying to convince or force onto anyone else.

I simply understand the power of sharing your story, sharing your beliefs, sharing your truth unapologetically. It has been through those brave souls I've come across, many of them that I will never meet, who had owned their expression entirely; regardless if it would receive them all the accolades in the world, without the agenda of being viewed in any light in particular, but simply because it felt like the most authentic way for them to show up. They honored their truth and in so doing, I was set free a little bit more. And because so, I feel like it's my duty to honor mine in the same light.

Today's video is a topic I never thought I'd share so openly and honestly, as it has been one that has brought about much confusion, shame, and embarassment. Like all things in life that elicit these types of emotions, it led to a deep hunger and searching of answers. It led to an unshakable desire to get to the root of the issue and not to simply find a quick, easy, and ultimately unsustainable fix to something that I could feel had much, much deeper causes than what the surface level would have me believe.

This is my journey. And I'm sharing because someone out there may need to feel and know and understand that they are not the only ones going through it.

Lastly, something I didn't mention here is that my last 'episode' took place over a year ago during a time of immense stress and spiritual/emotional confusion. So I wasn't surprised when it happened. Over the years as I've worked to deepen my connection to Spirit and to take care of myself on a holistic level, these have become very, very sparce; very few and far in-between. I know to my core that it can be attested to the approach I've taken.

Ok last point for real though😁, don't forget too, that everything is just as it should be.

It's all just meant to guide you Home🙂

Blessings, family




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