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My Eye Was Cleansed

I sat in stillness & my Eye was cleansed;

& I saw 👁 myself.

& I saw My Self.

There was a moment of absolute clarity;

Of joy, of remembrance, of innocence;

As if the Goddesses and Gods themselves reached out their hands across invisible fields

& gifted me the experiential contrast of No-Self.

“As long as there is a Marissa,

there is suffering;

When there is no Marissa,

there is no suffering.“

In that moment I was brought to the singular point,

I could feel the presence of teachers and sages and masters before me,

“We’ve been shouting it!

We’ve been transcribing it!

Many are called but few are chosen.”

In the field, one of my dearest teachers reminded me:

As long as there’s an up and a down,

you’re caught in it.

To go beyond it all;

Requires everything the clinging self is not willing to give up.

Purification of body.

Purification of thought.

Purification of heart.

& the being that wants this journey,

the being that craves the bliss and the effortlessness and the upgrades,

is the same being that has to die along the way.

What is left?

Here We Are✨


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