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Modern Day Witch Trials

I’ve experienced firsthand what happens when you break away.

It’s so interesting to live through;

When you cut off all major ties with playing it small,

& others witness you bust through the shackles,

You would think there’d be a celebration,

A yay! WAY TO GO!

But because the systems of control have done their work on gripping their claws around the hearts & minds of so many

Honest confidence these days is seen as arrogance,

True humility is mistaken for repression & silencing your truth.

I’m not much of a “numbers” gal myself but it’s been so clear, so interesting to see fluctuations through social media,

The timeline & the numbers.

When I was only allowing to the surface the parts that were acceptable,

Not too triggering to the ignorance of others, the numbers said one thing.

& when I came forward after 27 years of living in a state of dimming my light for the sake of being accepted,

Suffocating my truth,

When I finally, unapologetically began to own my Self in Her entirety,

The numbers said another thing.

They began to dwindle and drop.

People passive aggressively relinquished their support,

Behind their guise of entitlement.

These days, heaven forbid your expression causes someone else’s faulty perceptions to be challenged;

Now you no longer give them permission to stay small & play safe,

Now you become a reflection of all the ways they’ve been repressing themselves too.

We say we support empowered women all the while still expecting her to fit The Mold.

To bite her tongue. To no be too much.

We’re seeing firsthand just how much

People have forgotten who they are.

This has been the most freeing year of my entire life.

But damn.

In some ways it’s felt like the modern day Witch Trials, man.

“Burn all those that go against the norm.

Burn them alive.”

What they forget though,

That the same fire they flee from,

Is the very fire I run towards.

Because every time I’m thrown in,

I’m spit back out a thousand times the woman I was before.

Stronger. More certain. More focused than ever.

The rebirth. The Phoenix.

& just like Truth Itself,

I will always prevail.


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