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Mid-September Energy Update

what's up light warriors. quick reminder:while we each will experience ebbs and flows in congruence to the trajectory of our individual blueprints, there will be ebbs and flows we experience that are part of the interconnected web of consciousness we share as a species. there will also be shifts that are encouraged more or less by earth and her natural cycles as well as the solar system as a whole.

these updates are inspired by what my team behind the scenes show me in various ways. I trust that what comes through is relevant for those specifically tuning into these readings.

here is your mid month energy reading for September.

the dominant "challenge" vibration: shed over-identification with labels/roles/titles

when I first started off as a barre3 instructor, my entire mood for the day could be affected by the performance of a single class. if I stumbled over my words too much, self-criticism. if I was a bit socially awkward in trying to get to know my clients, mild self-loathing. on the other hand if I felt absolutely on fire and in my power, not a damn thing could touch me. I was unshakable. showered with love and approval, the world was mine.

well into my spiritual journey, it didn't take me long to notice what was happening: I was a puppet to unrealistic expectations that came as a result of placing my sense of identity into my role as a fitness instructor. I had too much of my self worth invested in something I didn't always have control over i.e. what the group was feeling like that day, what my systems were processing that day, etc. I was an identity crisis waiting to happen.

after a few months on the emotional rollercoaster I subconsciously volunteered for, I decided I had enough. after every class I would practice a technique learned from my teacher Bentinho: whatever is arising in the field of awareness, allow it to be reabsorbed back into Source. sink into the natural state of causeless joy. the True Self. he reminds us consistently that whatever we give too much importance to in our lives, we easily become a slave to. so a thought would pop up about how great my class was or a thought would pop up about how it could be better. didn't matter - I would send it back to God.

the more I practiced releasing identification of untruths - anything temporal in nature including thought forms - and sank deeper into my self-realization practices, the more my classes became consistently badass. consistently reflecting my unique expression. consistently being a place where I can recharge AND give freely at the same time. I was able to step into a higher role of service for my community.

so to wrap up the first point. because you're on this planet, it's safe to say you've been overly identified with the temporary roles in your life. and it's not a bad thing. it's something to notice, to realize, and to loosen your grip on. the more metaphysical space we create internally the more room there is to grow in ways we may not have had the capacity to before, because we were too distracted/limited by certain titles and all the ideas and expectations that come with them.

whether you're a mom. a lover. a hippie or the CEO of a fortune 500. relinquish ownership.

be in the world yet transcendent of it.

dominant expansion vibration: you're stepping into a new level of self-mastery

this might be arising as a sensation in your body that feels like there's a whole lotta soul and not a whole lotta room in this one vessel. so in other words, it can increasingly feel like you're too powerful for your body. like your soul is bursting at the seems of your perceived skin line. there's a prolific intensity. a profound excitement as you sense into these new levels of self-mastery. they are just around the corner. they feel absolutely inevitable.

all you're being asked to do for the most part, is show up. the momentum you've been gathering is supporting you here. the "fake it 'til you make it" course of action will do you well in assisting to solidify these new ways of showing up in your world. so even if you still experience mild doubts and anxieties, stand firmly in these new levels you're sensing into. it's like putting the final seal on your old reality as you step into an energetically brighter/lighter/joyful one.

these new ways of showing up are simply versions of self that are in greater alignment with your soul's purpose.* they are allowing you greater mobility and freedom.

there's a likelihood that new doors are opening for you. notice how you're more likely to make decisions based off of how they fall into the overall vision you have for your life. and maybe it's not even a vision, but a feeling. a knowingness. will this opportunity perpetuate feelings of powerlessness and limitation that already run rampant throughout this culture? or will this opportunity grow me? will it ask me to show up in ways that might be uncomfortable at first but will ultimately give me the platform I need to wield these greater levels of power in ways that support my mission? seems like a no brainer, right?

*the way this energy manifests in your life will look different from everyone else. it is MEANT to look different from everyone else. so this is not something to compare or contrast in those around you. or worse, to compare to those you see on the highlight reel that is social media. things will only appear in your life based off of your trajectory and what you've already integrated. keep bringing it inward.

dominant contraction vibration: bouts of intense depression or states of confusion

gotta make way for the new. the sooner we can come to terms with this extremely natural cycle of expansion and contraction, the more quickly we move through challenging energetic periods.

some things you may be experiencing around this purging:

-feeling differently/off around partners, close relationships, people you work with. you can't quite put your finger on it but things are shifting. relationships may be ending. things you were able to put up with even a month(s) before are now deal breakers

-depressive states that seemingly have no connection to outer influences. but pay attention. if you've been craving for and asking for new realities to make themselves known, all the junk you've been carrying around with you isn't allowed to make the trip. depressive states are completely normal and natural on this expedition you've signed up for. there is nothing wrong with you. we keep ourselves in the cycle of depression and low-level states when we, you guessed it, identify with them.

-sleep patterns are shifting. whatever type of fuel you were running on before, you're probably making your way to the opposite end of the spectrum

the upside: negative ideas don't seem to stick like they used to. you can shrug off negative states pretty easily. you might even feel lighthearted even in the midst of a dark night of the soul experience. you're not as likely to get caught up in the temptation of creating stories or putting blame on people. you're getting better at allowing low states work their magic then to see themselves out just as quickly as they came on

final thoughts

whenever we are trying on new clothes. a new outfit. maybe changing up our style altogether. it wouldn't make sense to keep the old clothes on underneath the new. it wouldn't even make sense to keep the old style in our closet. like, how icky does it feel to imagine trying on clothes you wore in high school?

we've outgrown some old clothing. they've had their run. they've served their time. the same goes with these identities we've associated with for an extended amount of time. just like putting on layers and layers of clothing, pretty soon we feel bound. like we can't move as freely as we'd like to. like these clothes just don't reflect how we feel in our authenticity.

so what's out of style? what have you been clutching onto too tightly that doesn't allow you permission to explore other options?

our souls are bare. fuckin. naked.

free and unafraid. but the fun of this whole thing called life is all the things we get to try on in the meantime. not marrying to one or two or three options. but floating between what feels the most relevant. unattached. untethered.

your turn!

have you noticed any of these patterns in your life or those around you these past couple weeks? let's dialogue.


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