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Mid-August Energy Update

what's up guys. a couple nights ago I was lying in bed contemplating the complexities of this world as I was drifting into another... and I was strongly guided by my team behind the scenes to do a quicksie little energy update. then of course, after recording and uploading, I had such an influx of energy pulsing through me that I was up maaaaybe another 2 hours. all in the name of the game, right? anyways. I uploaded the video to my FB but I wanted to make sure all of you who are subscribed to the site have access to it as well. the video is just under 4 minutes and then I've gone into a bit more detail in writing below. I hope this can bring some clarity as to what some of you feelers may be feelin' right now. Much love, always. Marissa.

we've made it. we've undergone the last eclipse of the season which was fueled by the energies of a new moon as well as the violet fire of the Lionsgate Portal. you guys - this is A LOT. and just because the date has come and gone does not mean we won't still be feeling the effects in the weeks - and the months - to come. I know I'm not alone when I say it feels like I've just been along for the ride this summer. I'm just a passenger truly in awe of the scenic adventure that is this life. the more I surrender to it the less I get in my own way.

most likely your world has been shaken up, down, side to side... and into various dimensions of existence before spitting you back out again. but what's beautiful about eclipses is, while they can be intense even for those who may not identify as highly sensitive, they are extremely forgiving to everyone. there is a grace that we as way showers have learned to bestow upon ourselves and others. there's an understanding that we might say shit that, even as it's coming out of our mouths, we're wondering why tf we're saying it. we are experiencing higher volumes of energy coursing through our vehicles, kinda surprised we haven't short circuited yet, mostly excited to experience our power more and more.

during eclipse season especially, it can feel like there's a constant battle going on not only between head and heart but like you have different teams in your head all telling you to do different things, all having really valid perspectives. it can feel like your Eye is wide open and you have insights into every crevice of your soul's existence yet at the same time lingering doubts leave you questioning each step you feel guided to take. where does this leave us? between sleepless nights and waves of chronic fatigue, to existential highs and lows, it's safe to say we have all been put through the ringer this summer.

what's great about all the confusion that's bound to arise, is that it actually helps to strengthen our conviction in The Great Mystery. it encourages us to surrender that hemisphere that's been overworked in logistics, in favor of the part that is based on Faith. the part that knows all is well in the universe. the part that reminds us that to live peacefully is equated to welcoming in The Unknown.

what's up with the planets?

here's a breakdown of the planetary energies that have occurred this month and why it can help make sense of what's coming up for you. I'm sure there's a TON of other planetary/energetic stuff that I've left out that's also aided to this. for example, women on their moon cycle will have been affected in a much deeper way. and as always, we will be affected by our own birth charts and blueprints, in other words, by what's relevant for this lifetime. these were the main factors that I've been shown to share:

a partial solar eclipse in Leo

-Leo is all about self-expression. about the way we carry ourselves in the world. about how others are perceiving us. Leo is proud when expressing Truth from it's individuated POV.

-the Lionsgate Portal is also linked to Leo, which you could guess by it's name. it's been noted that during this time, the veils between earth and heaven are almost nonexistent. it's an extremely beneficial time to go into meditation. to open up to our celestial roots and be re-seeded with our intentions for incarnating. because the veils are thinner during this time and we are being inundated with higher frequencies, all that is not serving our highest potential will be clear as day for us to recognize.

-solar eclipses, even partial ones, reveal to us our shadow aspects in an unavoidable way. the Light is being temporarily blocked and we have no choice to embody or at least acknowledge the Dark in order to transmute it.

-a solar eclipse can only take place at the phase of a new moon. new moons represent the beginning of a new cycle. where modes of existing (behaviors/thought patterns/energetic input and output) aligned with our purpose are extremely supported.

so. are you confused yet? what does this all mean and why does it matter? one the most empowering things a sensitive soul can do for themselves is to understand the energetics that are inevitably going to affect their reality. it is your gift to feel it all! if you're like me, it doesn't feel like a drag to learn about this and you eat this stuff up. good! there's more to come.

what these major influxes of planetary energy have in common: we are being asked to up-level ourselves by embracing the shadow. and since this is occurring in the sun sign of Leo, the sign of outward expression and working with others, this shadow work will be catalyzed by our interactions with others.

like I mentioned in the video, you are completely supported right now. so while it may be nerve wracking to talk about some controversial issues you've been pining to share or you're worried what your friends and family might think of you speaking your truth, it is absolutely imperative that you do so. the clearing that is possible during this time is incredible. Leo and the Lionsgate are also associated with the heart chakra, which means the shame and guilt you've been accumulating since childhood is wanting to be acknowledged and released so you can crystalize into the 4th density (5th dimensional) earth in a much smoother way.

what has this looked like for me?

this season has been like a springboard into a more authentic union with my heart. there has been a ton surrendering to shame yet ironically in doing so I feel more fulfilled. more whole. more in alignment with my soul's signature. there's been a powerful realization in how tempting it is to think there is light and there is dark and we have to choose one; forgetting that to live in balance on this planet means we will always be operating in shades of gray, which over time will become lighter in hue.

there has been a huge recognition and acceptance of the sides of myself that I've not been proud of, that by avoiding have kept me linked to exactly what I've been hiding from. I've gained a compassionate eye for the inner child that has been acting in fear from being wounded again.

my healing has looked like writing almost dozen letters to people about things that took place over a decade ago. it's looked like releasing content across various platforms that I feel deeply called to do and facing all the insecurities that come with that. it's been a lot of time by myself. it's been two hot, oil anointed baths a day. it's looked like a lot of tears. but it's felt like the most liberating experience. it's felt like a built in system the universe has in keeping the humility alive in our hearts. it feels like I'm coming home more and more every day.

alright Dear Ones. this is my first collective energy reading, so I'm really looking forward to your feedback and hearing what's been coming up for you. what are the major patterns and challenges you've noticed as well as the breakthroughs and ah-ha's! ? leave a comment if it resonates. (:


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