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An Important Message From The Guides (You Are Needed)

We mustn’t forget: there are many strings being pulled behind the scenes that we will never be fully aware of.

Topics like Chaos Theory and The Butterfly Effect attempt to touch on this from a speculative standpoint;

Chances are you’ve heard it before, how a butterfly that flaps its wings in the Amazon causes a Tornado in Texas.

This is one way to say that even the smallest deed done in the life of another may very well cause a ripple effect in how they then cause similar ripple effects in the lives of others…

Whether those ripples be done in Love or its opposite simply suggests the amount of soul cleansing an individual has undergone.

In the spiritual realms, what we do to purify our inner worlds will inevitably raise the average levels of the consciousness of the entire planet;

This reminds us that the work we do on ourselves and by ourselves is not only noted within the Akashic Records of the individual soul but is also noted within the Soul of Humanity,

Just like one cell will inevitably influence its surrounding cells, in so doing the entire organism of the human body is affected.

We too are like the individual cell either restoring harmony or creating cancer,

We truly do have the power to impact the entire organism called planet Earth by what we emanate as a singular entity.

You never know who is waiting for you to step into your power, waiting for the flame of Remembrance to be re-sparked within their lives.

I'm guided to remind you that what 'stepping up to the plate' looks like for me will be very different than what it looks like for you.

It’s imperative to honor this inner calling…

Sometimes the things that have set my soul free the most have been done so by people that I will never meet, they will never know that I exist.

They don’t always have a following of millions or even thousands of people;

These days it can be easy to forget that the number of views is not the point so much as is the potency of the message.

We’re being proposed left and right that in order to make an impact we must be doing so on a large scale.

Something that a dear soul brother reminded me recently brought me back to the point of it all:

If you positively change ONE person’s world, you just changed the ENTIRE world.

Let that sink in.

Impacting and influencing one world is enhancing the entire planet.

When you give yourself permission to be seen in your entirety, to step into the fire and step into the roles that you’re being ushered into,

You give permission for others to do the same.

You don’t know who’s waiting for you to show up.

You don’t know the keys that you hold for others if you keep them locked away in your own box of 'fear-of-being-misunderstood' or rejected.

Rest assured the people that need your message will make their way to you and that it’s not something that can be forced or coerced either,

You simply follow the inner nudges of Spirit and know that like moths to a flame, those that need your Light will make their way to it.

Like a Lighthouse, your message becomes a beacon of hope and guidance for those specific ships at certain moments in time.

Understanding too that not all boats and ships will require or desire it from you,

But those that DO make it to the shores of their own Promised Lands with whatever assistance you were able to provide will then be able to do the same for others.

Your contract fulfilled,

Both your soul and those that you influence are now expanded and enhanced,

And in this we see and experience firsthand that we truly are in this together,

All just guiding each other home✨

This is one of my favorite recorded transmissions yet friends, and I share a real-time story of how this message presented itself in my personal storyline.

I do hope you'll share with someone if it strikes a familiar chord within😊

Talk soon Star Family,

Travel Light



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