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Listen to Your Guides (intro to my new YouTube series)

What is up beautiful star family!

I am super excited right now.

It's been almost two months into a new series I’ve been guided to undertake on my YouTube channel and the messages keep pouring in…louder and clearer than ever before.

I am such a big advocate of following what feels the most inspiring and expansive in our lives.

It’s Cosmic Law: when we are following our paths to the best of our abilities…things just happen for us.

Doorways open and pathways appear where it seemed like there were none before.

Connections are made with the right people at the right time that hold the next piece of our puzzle that we didn’t know we needed, whether that be resourcefully or just supportively.

Miracles and magic simply become a natural, everyday occurrence.

We are ushered along, sometimes unbeknownst to ourselves, being assisted by multidimensional influences in order to execute and fulfill our reason for incarnating.

As we progress along our Dharmic paths as healers, Light Beings, Starseeds, Warriors of New Earth, the whole gamut,

Our paths become the container in which our souls are purified.

Or to come at it from a shamanistic perspective, the parts of our being that have been abandoned or lost due to trauma and conditioning and just being a living-breathing being on this intense Planet of Polarity, are called back unto us as we faithfully walk.


So, about the series, this is what happened:

My guides woke me up one night around midnight and I was up for three hours decoding this major download.

They were VERY adamant about me receiving this message that I had been a little too distracted in my waking hours (oops🙉) to have the space to decode and understand.

But in the week leading up to this night, I could definitely feel something brewing in the ethers.

You know what I mean?

It’s like there’s a plotting or conversation going on about you and you’re just getting little bits and pieces of it throughout your days.

Like…HEY! Do I have any say in this? Lol. Totes kidding.

And they showed me this new series I’d be undertaking.

They also revealed to me the first episode that I was going to film and edit a few hours later (at a more appropriate hour😇), to release the following day, Tuesday.

And I’ve danced this dance enough times that I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t argue or procrastinate when such a clear message comes through…I get to work.

To the best of my ability, I deliver.

The rewards are mostly unseen but they are deeply felt.


Just a really quick and necessary sidenote:

Let me just be clear what this series is NOT about:

This is not me claiming that I have any answers to anything.

This is not me claiming that MY way and MY path are THE way or even that my beliefs and insights will apply or be relevant for what you came to explore.

What this series IS about:

Simply sharing my gifts with the collective in yet another way that feels authentic and aligned.

It’s about creating dialogue in regards to navigating this very human experience we have found ourselves in and doing so from a place of grace and compassion for all that it entails.

And it’s coming from the soul’s perspective.

It's coming from the perspective of our Higher Self, the perspectives and influences from the other beings (our guides, angels, cosmic family) that have lovingly teamed up with us to provide the backbone and PUSH that we inevitably need on this kind of journey.

I mean, all of these points are basically the whole reason I started this website.

And all of these points seem to be the whole reason why I'm here.

It’s my guiding light and my calling.

So, to sum it all up – I’m really not surprised, as it seems like it is encoded into my being, for these discussions and ways of expression to be what brings me the greatest fulfillment and purification.

I hope you’ll join along with the discussion if you haven’t already.

I’ll be linking the weekly videos in articles on this website, Divinity Incarnate.

For some videos, I may dive deeper in separate articles (like I have before) if I feel greater clarification and depth is needed.

Otherwise, just like you, I’m just a witness to it’s evolvement😊

As always, I hope this message finds you well and prospering.

You are loved!

Bless, family.



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