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Inner luminosity

Y'all ever catch yourselves noticing the warped sense of the passage of time? The days within themselves feel like little lifetimes with the amount of richness that can be experienced, the amount of juice that can be extracted -- and before we know it, another week seems to have passed in the blink of an eye.

This week's theme was highlighting the importance of body-awareness & inner luminosity which naturally enhances and amplifies our connection to our child-like playfulness and also aids to rapidly dissolve past trauma. Increasing focus on the internal self has been noted by many masters and mystics throughout the centuries to be one of the main portals into unearthing the true nature of reality which also reveals this dissolution of the notion of time and relativity, bringing us out of the mind and into the Peace of the Present Moment.

If you've been feeling the intensity of the full moon and collective shadow purges overall, if you're highly sensitive in general, body awareness cannot be emphasized enough. Breath, contemplation, time in nature, simplicity in daily life... as distractions lessen, connection to our lives increases and so too do joy and purification of heart.

My YouTube is where you can find last week's videos.

Travel Light Fam🌟



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