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I cannot believe this happened.😷😤

My intention with the content I produce is to share my experiences and learnings with others, keeping in mind that what I embody and stand for may give other people permission to faithfully own and embody what it is they are being called to.

I understand we are being met with times where part of what we embody and stand for is blatantly worn across our face, or not, leaving room for many situations similar to what's described in this video to transpire.

This incident was a classic example of someone fighting for a cause they don't actually believe in (their words) and attempting to silence, shame, and intimidate others into doing the same.

I'm learning the dance between: 1. understanding when relinquishing a firm stance on things serves the greater good of all and 2. understanding when the greater good of all requires us to have a firm stance on things.

It's not something I'm claiming to have mastery over but it is definitely an aspect I have granted myself shameless permission to explore being a Co-Creator on this planet alongside the rest of its inhabitants.

I'm reminded by my Spiritual Guides that when we're each tuning in to our unique signature, we create a more harmonizing field than not. One person's idea of Higher Action does not have to match your own in order for each entity to be serving the greater good.

Make what you will of it🙂

Talk soon,



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