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How to call in a counterpart💘 (7 tips & reminders)


How goes it😎

I can't help but giggle sitting here like... do I even qualify for releasing this information seeing as how my romantic situationship lasted longer in the astral realms than it did in the physical plane😅😝

Which is actually one of the points in this video, about the over- romanticization of romantic soulmate dynamics and the misunderstanding of their role in our lives.

Remember that while these contracts are fun and can spark a layer of love that can be quite intoxicating, if you're drawn to my content you are a way shower in many regards.

You're likely a 'first waver' or 'second waver' re: the awakening of the planet.

As you progress, you'll likely find yourself in dynamics where your role is literally to re-spark the fire in another fellow Lightworker and/or Starseed. Everything else within that is a bonus.

Like Ram Dass said in many of his lectures, the thing about a good method is you have to get trapped in it for it to work. Eventually the method will self-destruct.

One thing I've noticed over the years is that the more devote I've become to my Earth Mission, the more quickly people, things, situations, etc. move in and out of my life.

It's become such a beautiful part of the dance that it really does help me in terms of honoring things as they are and really cherishing the moment for what it is, as it is.

You never know when it's going to trans-form.😇

Anyways, here are 7 tips & reminders on calling in a romantic counterpart.

Enjoying it All,




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