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How Spirit triggers us through our partners for healing❣️ (storytime📖)

In today's video I share a real-time example of how Spirit will sometimes shift energies within one individual in order to draw out impurities and misperceptions from the other.

The longer we walk our path, the more obvious these things become. We are led to understand that there are many complexities that rule the nature of our interactions. We're shown to different levels, the mechanism of the emotional guidance system and its function in navigating our Soul's Path.

Overtime we learn how to work with our emotions and the fluctuation of energies from a curious standpoint rather than taking them for face value. We begin to see how there's much more than meets the eye.

The more I explore, the more I see how I've saved myself from shooting shots that are premature or fear-based, such as in the scenario I describe in this video. I've allowed The Hand of Faith to guide me towards deeper levels of Soul Embodiment and greater levels of expansion and freedom in so doing.

Overall remember that Spirit will do whatever it needs to, to keep your priorities in check.

If you're drawn to this type of material, it's safe to say you have been called to the planet at this time to serve the Heart of Humanity. Your Spiritual Guides and your Higher Self understand that the ULTIMATE amount of fulfillment you can experience is through being in alignment with YOUR power.

Rest assured you will consistently be redirected to the only true source of prosperity as many times as it takes until you get it. It's not a punishment, it's not a test. It's Love in action. Your contract with your Higher Self is to help keep your Eye on The Prize.

Travel Light Fam,




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