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He broke things off.

Was toying between titles like,

"he 'broke things off' (but nothing changed)" and

"he broke things off (honoring the soul over the ego) and something like,

"he broke up with me (and there's deeper love because of it)" but you know y'all, I just had to come back to a basic truth with this one and keep it simple.

The title doesn't change the meat of the message.

This romantic counterpart dynamic has been one of the most heart opening and surrendered explorations for me as of late.

It's beautiful to see how things unfold when soul integrity is the top priority within interactions.

When each individual consistently tunes into what the soul desires versus what the ego thinks it wants and needs, even 'separations' invite the opportunity for a deeper, more authentic love to be birthed like the example I give in this video.

It's less likely that a messy break-up or more permanent separation needs to happen as a catalyst when you're each integrating the lessons as you go along.

I'm reminded by this entire dynamic how 'my truth' and 'another's truth' don't have to look the same in order for love and respect and honor to exist between beings.

Our Guides have been walking us both through the importance of maintaining sovereignty over self within a romantic dynamic and how that opens the doorway into understanding unconditional love;

You want the best for the other being as much as you want the best for yourself. Even if what's best for the other doesn't include you in the picture as it once did before.

Just another way Spirit is showing me how it's ALL truly just leading us deeper into The Self.

Into deeper harmony & greater faith.

It's all beautiful. It's all perfection.🙂

Travel Light Star Family,



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