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Energy Reading Beginning of 2020

Theme: Reconfiguration

Apparently "the vibes are off" isn't a good excuse to leave work early.

A couple of weeks ago my sweet friend and fellow barre3 instructor sent me this quote. She was working front desk at the studio and I had dragged my tired buns into class to move some energy.

I was feeling a lot.

And from my short interactions with all kinds of humans this month, it’s safe to say I haven't been the only one.

The collective tendencies around this time of year are pretty easy to gauge. There’s an excitement for new beginnings: to align with the visions of self that the universe sends us in abundant form. It’s those visions that light up every cell in your body and you are absolutely certain that this level of fulfillment is your birth right. No human stands between you and your destiny.

But wait…

There is the equally notable, seemingly contradicting energy that causes us to fear the perpetuate cycles of self-loathing and doubt that inevitably stem from all the other times we said “this is the year!” to only fall back into the energetic thresholds that keep us bound to old realities. Those versions of self that feel like an itchy wool sweater whose sleeves are just baaaarely out of reach from covering your wrists. Gross.

You’ve been feeling this too, right?

A couple of weeks ago we experienced a Full Wolf Moon Eclipse; barely a week before that we experienced a transition into a new year and a new decade.

Now I’m no astrology or numerology expert but I do identify with being pretty tuned in to what the collective is navigating.

I work with many intuitive and sensitive beings on a day to day basis and there are definite themes that tend to pop up, especially around energetically charged times like the beginning of a new year and major planetary happenings.

The main thing I like to remind others, and myself, is that everything you are feeling at this time is completely normal. You’re gucci. The experiences you see manifesting before your eyes, facilitating certain kinds of internal alchemical reactions, are exactly what you need in order to have the realizations, purges, and shifts that will make way for you to step into a deeper level of soul-embodiment.

That being said, here are 6 major themes you may be noticing (now and over the course of the next few months) and tips on how to navigate the energy.

1. Feeling like you’ve “fallen off”– that “should’ve-could’ve-would’ve” energy.

This type of energy is definitely like navigating a tight rope. Because while it’s true that there are many people who unconsciously use their time to prolong their ruts and non-serving behaviors, being “stuck” and taking detours is actually an integral part of the soul’s journey.

These pockets of stuck-ness are what some eastern cultures would refer to as negative karma. It’s the accumulation of choices in this lifetime that have led you to where you are now. It includes the neurotic thought patterns and behaviors you’ve developed over the course of your life. It’s the choices and consequences that have been generated and left unintegrated from your ancestral lineage. It’s the debris that you’ve been gathering from people who aren’t at the point within their evolution to be the conscious facilitators of the internal alchemy that grants them greater and greater power over their existence.

Through various teachers, life has recently presented me with this beautiful message: there’s no such thing as veering off your path or wasting your time. Detours can provide us vital information and learnings that will prove to be extremely useful in carrying out our life’s mission.

And as for “falling off”, doing that thing that you’ve sworn a million times over you’d never do again? That’s part of your path too. You’re simply acting out the very natural part of shedding old energy and embodying higher states of consciousness. Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose.

If you’re reading this, it’s safe to say you’re pretty intentional about the direction of your life. Take a breath and rest easy knowing it’s all part of your work. From this space of non-resistance, you’ll likely move past these thresholds with greater ease.

2. Women are becoming more motivated and inspired towards creating their own legacies.

More and more I find myself in settings where it seems like women are just as motivated if not MORE in many cases, to create their own enterprises. I feel blessed to know personally, a handful of successful woman crushing it in the world of entrepreneurship.

Please allow grace for this next, highly generalized statement. It’s simply been my observation that regardless of sexuality, it is much more natural for the female body to house and channel the energy of the Goddess onto our planet. The yin element—the receptive, yielding, and magnetic forces of femininity are being called to balance the hyper-masculinity we have seen dominate and nearly destroy Earth.

Businesses are taking MASSIVE shifts as more women step into their roles as heart-based, cooperative leaders.

This tip (regardless of gender) applies universally—if you are a witness to anybody who is at any stage of developing or enhancing their brand or materializing their vision, be encouraging! Think of what you would appreciate from others. The energy you send out is inevitably the energy you are demanding forthright.

I applaud those I meet who are brave enough to put their vision out into the world. They are paving the way, making it easier for all of us to consider greater possibilities in our own lives.

3. Feeling jealous/ envious/ insecure towards the perceived success of our peers.

This shadow energy comes as no surprise as the uninvited "plus one" for the point before.

For the most part, these emotions are experienced in fleeting moments of time throughout life. The more these moments are repressed and ignored the more the energy of unworthiness is directed to the subconscious. Over time this energy compounds and the person will attract more and more situations that give evidence to the fact that there are so many other people crushing it at life and they are sadly not one of them.

Break out your violins.

This season is encouraging us to take a deeper, more authentic look at why we are being triggered and to hold ourselves compassionately through the experience.

I get that it can be hard to admit the shadow aspects of self that we’d rather keep in the closet for none to see. And I will be the first to say that I am totally human when it comes to experiencing these emotions. It’s simply a natural reaction we can have when we feel like others are “moving ahead” of us that lessen over time as we continue to commit and recommit to our truth and purpose.

The beginning of this year may prove to be relentless in revealing how much the energy of comparison is actually depleting our reservoirs of potentiality that could be used productively towards honing in on our own gifts, talents, and abilities.

Remember, it’s all part of the journey.

4. You’re beginning to believe to the most profound level yet, your ability to actually attain the life of your dreams.

You’re feeling like the “belief-to-doubt” ratio is finally tipping more in your favor. It doesn’t seem as far-fetched and out of reach as you once felt it was. You’re seeing how by consistent application of Universal Success Principles you’ve already created a life that you're proud of.

And even if it still feels like you’re battling with a significant amount of doubt, you might notice that the daydreams of what you’d like to create more of in your life are becoming more vivid, realistic, and tangible.

You might be experiencing profound moments where it’s not just L.O.A. technique -- you legit KNOW in every cell of your being that you are already living within the timeline that will attract more elements that piece together your dream reality.

If you’re reading this you’ve most likely transcended the default, factory-setting program and you don’t have a “traditional” job. If you do find yourself in a traditional 9-to-5 you’re just gearing up more momentum that will catapult you into creating a more fluid lifestyle for yourself. Or maybe the job you have is being used as a temporary means to fund and support the bigger vision held in your heart.

Although you’re having more moments of intense joy about your direction, that’s not to say you won’t also have moments where you question your path and where it’s leading you. For the most part you understand that everybody feels this to varying degrees. Nobody really knows where they’re being guided. You may have an intuition behind the ‘why’ but you feel content when you’re reminded that everyone is simply doing their best.

Simply honor each foothold you're in and maintain faith as you take the next step. You’re just where you’re meant to be.

5. You’re being presented mini roadblocks as you begin to take the necessary steps in the direction of realizing your heart-based projects and dreams.

Roadblocks can come for a variety of reasons and there are two main types. Here is an example of each:

a. Non-physical roadblocks. You’re receiving a ton of downloads. You may not know the detailed steps to take in order to fully carry out your mission but you have a pretty clear, overall mental map of what it’s going to look like. Then when you finally have the time to tackle your projects, the energetic momentum feels like it’s either subsided significantly or is gone completely. WTF.

b. Physical roadblocks. You’re going for it. You carved out some time and find yourself sitting inside the café to start working on your website (or whatever spirit is guiding you to create). Your inspiration is locked and loaded. Then you go to connect with the internet and the wifi isn’t working. You’re looking around. There are more than a few other people working away, you even peek over the guy’s shoulder sitting close by and you are certain he’s using internet. You’re sure at this point that this is a conspiracy against you.

I’ll give you a personal anecdote of a physical roadblock that happened last week. I’ve had many visions of myself releasing lifestyle content on YouTube. These visions have been coming long enough that I figure it’s time to tackle a new project. On Sunday I picked up an SD card from the store that can hold 7+ hours of video footage and I made sure two sets of batteries were charged and ready to go for the next day.

I woke up excited. I was able to record 3 minutes of footage of myself preparing coffee then I sat my camera down to get ready for my day. I go back into my kitchen, turn on and lift my camera to start talking and guess what? The camera actually broke. The focus function stopped working the VERY second I went to talk.


It’s been RIP for my camera ever since.

An old version of me might think, well this is a definite sign. Clearly the Universe does not want me to go this route. But I was surprised how instead it gave me even more drive and fire. I felt my field declare loudly, "Fuck this! This is what I’ve been guided to do for how long now? This insignificant detail is NOT going to keep me from my course."

If roadblocks have been appearing for you, don’t take it as a sign to stop your endeavors. Think of it like this: when any tiny creature (think tiny human or baby giraffe) is motivated to start walking, it’s pretty wobbly. It gets up, it falls down. It gets up, takes a few steps, falls down. Repeat this process a hundred times.

The paradigm that once supported baby didn’t require the use of legs and it was an important time when other things were in the process of developing. The tiny creature is then inspired to solidify a different reality. One that includes walking. One that will give it greater freedom to move around and to explore its world to a more substantial degree but also one that it has no practice in.

When have you ever heard the story of said baby, assuming normal development of skeletal and muscle operations, attempt to start walking, fail, and then never try again? When have you ever heard baby energetically proclaim, “This walking thing must not be for me. I think I’m being guided to give it up.”

Never, never, EVER!!!

The energy at this point in time indicates that these roadblocks are part of an energetic up-leveling and are not a permission slip to give up. Life may be asking you to take a pause and to marinade a bit more -- nothing screams “accident waiting to happen” louder than the individual that blows past the ‘yield’ sign.

Another reason is maybe you’re being asked to take a different approach. Sometimes, doing things the way it’s been done before to generate results may work in the beginning stages only to eventually blossom in your own creative signature. But other times we’re being asked to start differently altogether.

I sat down with a good friend the other day over tea. He’s making big moves in developing his personal brand as a creator and demonstrates success in freelance photography. I told him the story about my camera. He said, paraphrasing, “OK, so why don’t you just use your phone?”

This made me uncomfortable.

In my mind’s eye, the vision of the final product and how I want it to look is not what I envision my IPhone 6 with an 18 minute battery life able to achieve. To which he followed up with “What’s more special than giving your audience the opportunity to grow with you? There are people online that all they do is vlog with their phone and have millions of subscribers. If your message is good enough, they will come for the message. Then when you have the resources to upgrade, then upgrade.”

Damn. Can’t argue there.

If you’re attempting to execute your vision and a roadblock appears, don’t be discouraged. These little hiccups aren’t necessarily designed to keep you from reaching your ultimate destination but rather they may be asking you to step outside the box and approach things a little bit differently.

6. Career shifts; ending involvement with organizations, groups, or projects; making space for new endeavors.

Whether the shift is internal or external, a major theme that I’ve noticed for many at this time is changes around current employment, career path, side hustles and/or projects.

Maybe you’ve been laid off recently and are in the process of finding a new job. Maybe you're nervous about whether your performance is seen as “good enough” in the field you’re in and there is some anxiety around being replaced or let go. Or maybe you are fed up with the environment you’re in – the toxicity levels are increasing, you’re attempting to fuel your dreams yet you find yourself being fertilized with rat poison instead, whether in an obvious or subliminal way. It's also good to consider that there might not really be an external reason but you just deeply feel that your time in this chapter has concluded.

My biggest lesson during times of transition always circles back to surrender. Some transitions are easier than others but overall there is a necessary re-calibration that happens. Almost always these sometimes sudden transitions are placed on your path in order to make room for bigger and better opportunities that are in greater alignment with your Life’s Purpose.

When I was in a car accident towards the end of last year, there was a pretty notable period of said re-calibration. I had known intuitively for a while that my involvement within a certain organization had run its course but I found that my mind kept trying to logic and reason its way out of following my inner guidance. My accident was a huge wake-up call and another story for another day.

My re-calibration period was pretty messy. However, there was this quiet whisper inside of me that understood this was just a “period” and to have grace for myself for whatever way the energy needed to play itself out.

As I started emerging on the other side of this temporarily dark and confusing time I was incredibly surprised at how much my conviction deepened both towards my purpose and what it is I am meant to birth into the world. I was met with new levels of confidence, brighter visions of how it’s going to look and feel, an undeniable sense of freedom, and a depth of Divine Connection that I have not known in this life. What at first seemed disastrous and dark ended up being one of the best shifts that has happened to me in this life. Funny how that works.

If you’re unsure about your direction, ask your guides for signs and support. If there’s a timeline that you tune into that involves you leaving a dynamic you’re in and you feel lit, excited and expansive when you visualize it, that’s a sign! Follow it. Don’t let the details overwhelm you to the point that you stay in a situation that no longer supports you. Part of our path as conscious creators means owning what YOU need so you can be a better guide to others.

Alright sweet soul, I’ll leave it here for now. If anything stood out to you in particular or you have any thoughts you’d like to share about your experience during this exciting time, please comment below.

Much love,



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