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Drop your spiritual righteousness. Why most religions & belief systems miss the mark.

“My teaching is a raft wherein men may reach the far shore.

The sad fact is that so many mistake the raft for the shore.”


Encoded in each soul blueprint are the beings we are to become in this life.

The reason I say “beings” with an “s” is because like you, I have gone through many transformations.

Every couple of years or so I’ll look back at an old reality or version of myself and feel that it is truly a different person I’m reminiscing on.

Like I’ve lived several lifetimes within a single lifetime.

Each version of self that dies is like the shedding of skin, revealing another layer of our blueprint that allows greater freedom of our soul's expression in this upgraded version of self.

& every level of our blueprint's activation process happens in its own perfect timing, something that cannot be rushed or forced.

Each level of activation synchronizes us with the necessary events and people and lessons that will trigger a spark of soul evolution relevant to what we came to explore,

And once the catalyst has served it's purpose and we've integrated our learnings into our oversoul, we undergo that familiar process of shedding and recalibrating.

When we take birth into these human suits, part of our blueprints include accepting various "veils of illusion."

In other words, we are born into a dimension where we forget our own Divinity, we forget certain higher truths, and each soul is aware that this is part of what they signed up for.

We can forget that we are sparks of the same Infinite Intelligence having different experiences for different reasons.

Some of us come in fully aware that certain veils aren’t going to be lifted in this lifetime; it would detract from the lessons and the experiences the soul wishes to integrate.

Part of trusting the process means we accept that various patterns and beliefs are there for a reason, within our own mental-emotional-spiritual bodies and that of others as well.

What I have learned from the diverse experiences I’ve had on a spiritual level, throughout various lifetimes within this lifetime and beyond, is that there are many paths to God.

Some people’s path to God, influenced by their soul's blueprint, may involve a connection with just one being or Avatar that connects them, or should I say more accurately, redirects them towards the Heavenly Realms.

And some of us have more fluidity with our teachers and guides, encoded with the desire to explore the many vehicles that many masters have left behind for us to navigate our way Home.

We sometimes can forget that’s the point of these teachings,

Not the tools or the messengers in and of themselves,

But in going Home.

We are blessed to have knowledge of the myriad of beautiful beings that have taken birth on this planet and attempted to communicate to us how to reach those higher realms of expanded consciousness.

Again, just different teachers pointing us back to the same place.

However, if we lose ourselves in the concept of God

We miss the point of it all.

Remember, Wo(Man)kind has been encoded with this desire to know and recombine with something greater than itself,

Something universal and all-pervading,

For as long as Wo(Man)kind has been documenting and recording: for hundreds of millennia.

When we forget that Source is an experience and that these teachings and messengers and words and ideas are only meant to bring us so far,

If we become overly attached to the vehicle and forget that the point is in getting to the destination,

Then we are simply creating more of what drives humanity straight into the Torments of Hell.

If we truly believe every human is a single fractal of the One Infinite Creator,

That we each contain the Spark of God buried deep, hidden within our own hearts,

Then we must also have the conviction and humility to know that All will get there in their own time, in their own way.

Perfectly encoded, perfectly designed.

Each of us pre-destined to explore certain realities for various reasons, doing so in ways that are completely unique to each fractal of Source.

We must remember that, while we may walk similar paths in a similar direction for an amount of time, each being must ultimately go their own way.

And we mustn’t forget that the journey across the Great Ocean of Existence,

This journey is just between each individual soul and Source itself,

Nobody else.

It's vital to understand how our spiritual righteousness – thinking we know what's best for others – inhibits greater access to Heaven on Earth for the entirety of the human species,

And how in so doing, we truly miss the point of it all.

In this episode let’s explore this even deeper from the perspective of the soul's blueprint.

In peace & in joy,




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