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How to slay the coyotes in your head (put fear in its place)

Your thoughts, especially the negative ones, are not unlike coyotes.

They are deceptive by nature and can be extremely cunning.

They howl and growl and put on a show; they can even try to team up on us in order to overthrow the Truth of the matter,

The Truth being the fact that they actually have more to be afraid of than us.

Like any other living entity, when the prey starts to outwit its predator, the predator loses its power over the individual at stake,

Their life force begins to weaken and so too the power they have over us simultaneously decreases.

And you're eventually left staring in awe at what is revealed,

You can't help but wonder,

How long have I gone feeding into the fear?

How much of my life have I given up trying to avoid the bite of false teeth?

How many times have I fled from my path, scared of the shadows in my peripheries...

Sooner or later we all have to face them;

The coyotes in our head.

It’s probably happened to you before.

I mean it’s happened to me many more times than I’d like to admit.

Let’s set the stage and simply say: I’m about to walk into something new.

Something that pushes me a little bit, maybe even a lotta bit, beyond my zones of comfort, giving me permission to step into even greater alignment with my Soul’s Highest Expression.

I’m feeling alllllll those familiar sensations that are responding to the chemical cocktail my brain is releasing.

I’m nervous about _______ (fill in the blank) and feeling particularly self-conscious about an aspect of myself as I chip away at yet another layer of not enough-ness and perpetuated limitation.

And because my vision is clouded in that moment,

Because I’m not centered, I’m not as poised as I normally am in a more natural state, balanced in the Truth of the present moment;

It would serve me greatly to understand that everything that happens from that moment on will then also be colored by this Lens of Perception,

By this filter of questioned self-worth,

And constricted disposition.

Under this temporary veil, I’m much more likely to be hyper-sensitive to the responses of others in that scenario.

I’m much more likely to slip into deeper identification with this temporary role, this temporary expression of my Soul in this life;

My negative ego is more tightly entangled in attachment of the outcome of this event in comparison to more mundane aspects of my life where it’s easier to be less identified and less attached.

Let's peel back another layer that's relevant to this.

It can be useful to remember the two main types of ego identification here, the inferior ego and superior ego complexes.

Ego-expressions that have spent more time on the “arrogant” end of the spectrum will do great things and more easily slip into identification with their expression in relation to that circumstance.

It’s theirs, they did it. They conquered, they dominated.

But when they mess up or show up less than what their learned superiority has convinced them is OK for survival of their self-image, it’s easier for them to give it away.

In many cases when their self-awareness is less developed they’ll try to blame it on others or put it off as something that was "out of their control."

Now on the other end of the spectrum lies the equalizing factor.

I myself have experienced more of the inferior ego complex throughout life.

I’ve operated more on the "repressed" end of the ego-expression gamut and it’s actually a lot easier for me to believe that Grace is working through me when I do something I’m really proud of.

It's easier for me to give up when I feel like I hashtag pwned it.

Also, that's not a typo. Look it up.😁

When I crush an interview, kill an online workout, teach in front of a few hundred people, give speeches, get great feedback on my transmissions,

Or all the other times I’ve succeeded in opening myself enough to allow Spirit to express itself through me in a circumstance that feels particularly nerve wracking,

In the past, it’s actually been much easier for me to give that away and feel, “that was definitely not me because that was incredible,”

I also didn’t allow myself to fully bask in the feeling long enough to truly appreciate how far I’d come.

But when something would go less than desired or it wouldn’t be as great as I’d like it to have been or I experienced a karmic cycle unfold before an audience or someone who's opinion I'd elevated...

It would be much easier to identify with that aspect of my performance.

It’s generally much easier for me to fall into identification with the negative and less agrandized aspects of my personality because that’s the energy that I was most accustomed to in my earlier years.

Now I bring these things to Light because if we’re aware of these occurrences as they’re happening we can be much more efficient in regards to navigating our way through them.

It's important to remember that when the ego's more deeply involved, the more filters we're looking through in that moment; we're seeing less through the eyes of Source and more through the eyes of attachment and control.

The negative ego is activated and we accept more filters when our mental-emotional-spiritual bodies interpret something from the level of "this is a potential threat," (trying to flee) or "this will keep me safe," (trying to grasp).

We cannot be reminded enough – this whole thing is a game of perception.

Understanding the cunningness of thoughts, becoming a Master Metaphysician, is all about perception.

As an intuitive empath, when something is coming through as a powerful message for the collective, my Higher Self gives me even more access to the subtle ways in which these things work.

Let’s take another scenario as an example that manifests regularly for people.

Surely you’ve had a couple of these weird experiences with others tucked away in your memory bank;

Someone's going through a certain type of karmic purging and you just so happen to be the player involved in that moment in order to allow that energy play itself out.

In this scenario, say they’re the manipulative type,

And they pulled a huge card out on you,

They really showed their ass in terms of you simply being a pawn in their own game of success or achievement,

And even with the knowledge of us all being on a journey,

Even if they’re pretty self-aware,

Even if you understand that despite your best efforts, you've got some inner complexities and lingering neurosis yourself,

Even knowing how much you appreciate the air of forgiveness when you show your own sandy cheeks 🍑

EVENNNN with the understanding of karma and lessons and soul contracts,

Take note of how easy it is for you to subtly color your every interaction with that person from then on, with the air of,

“I can’t trust you,”

“You’re in it for yourself,”

“I’m onto you…ya sneaky sonofagun”

That sleazy cars salesman kinda vibe is forever an undercurrent, subtly tainting your experience of them.


If you're not watchful, it can start to leak into other dynamics as well.

When our trauma bodies have created an emotional impression towards something, anything that slightly resembles that situation or person or event that scarred your sweet, innocent soul 😇 will trigger this trauma body to respond.

Your lower chakras are stimulated through the negative scope;

The negative polarizations of survival and maintaining power and control and dominance are activated.

You’re on high alert for anything that could potentially harm you whether that be on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level.

Anything that could even slightly take shape of a coyote will trigger your guard,

Almost instantaneously, without hesitation, tighten the valves of Grace and Flow and Trust,

And open the floodgates of Fear and Questioning and Confusion.

From this state it's important to remember that it shifts from 'we' and 'us,'

To 'you' vs 'me.'

And we see time and time again where that eventually leads to.

...nowhere I wanna be.😊✌

In this 8 minute video I share with you how this message was revealed to me through actual coyotes (it’s not completely random lol).

And I also give you a few more angles to help ease tension around the process of healing these aspects of ourselves and in-so-doing we help heal the planet.

As within, so without🙏

Catch ya soon my friends!




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