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As you expand your consciousness, remember this.☝

"This is just an acclimation period into your new paradigm."

This is something my Guides have continued to remind me during a major transitional period I find myself in.

They gave me a beautiful analogy which was the point of this entire video (and which I also didn't end up getting to until the very end😅) in regards to why or how certain acclimation periods may be more or less intense than others.

Try on my example for size:

Say, after a lifetime of suppression and tip-toeing around your truth, you allow all of yourself to be seen and expressed all within a very, very short period of time.

You've gone from only exuding the "acceptable" ideas and behaviors and ways of expressing to guns blazing, this is me, take it or F right the F off.

This example of an acclimation period into the new paradigm that will inevitably go along with honoring your soul's expression more fully, that period will likely hold a bit more conflict and opposing energies. It will feel like more of a shock to your systems.

To go most of your life hiding your true expression away from the world, you have less time to acclimate to the levels at which people will be drawn to you and the levels at which people will be repelled by you.

It would be a very different acclimation period to that parallel version of self that let's say, had been gnawing on bits and pieces of their truth, their light and their dark, the entire time.

That version would have been accepting those wins and losses that come with that level of existing along the way; it wouldn't feel like such a surprise to others (and self in some cases) when you finally do unapologetically embody all it is you came to be.

Sooner or later life will bring you up to speed with where you need to be in order to fulfill the role you came here to fulfill.

Whether that's done in one fell, swooping, blow-out moment or over the period of an entire lifetime is not the focus of concern.

The soul's point of focus is in executing your reason for taking birth.

Learn from me.

Just start being it now. It's worth it.😇

Blessings, Fam.



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