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As within, so without (global energy update)

We have always been dancing between dimensions.

But now more than ever we find a more aggressive dance going on.

This is an intergalactic, cosmic tango that’s occurring.

This is no small event we’re seeing on the shared screen of consciousness that we refer to as the “collective reality.”

Never before have the inhabitants of Earth been so blatantly exposed, revealing our interconnectedness.

The necessity is to not just take care of one another on a physical level, a level acknowledged only through the senses,

But to also understand the interconnectedness of heart coherence amongst one another;

The love we share is the love we receive.

The rejection we extend is the rejection we have cast upon ourselves, further tightening the shackles of ignorance and agony around our own wrists.

We are only as fast as our slowest player, only as strong as our weakest link.

As a living breathing entity that humanity creates, we can only climb the ladder so high as individuals before it becomes necessary to look around and take note of where the rest are at.

Where are we being weighed down? What can we do to lighten our load as a unit?

The brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity is being encouraged to wake up to itself, to wake up to The Self.

As the veil of confusion and forgetfulness becomes thinner, more and more beings are experiencing just that – the uncomfortable catalyst from unconsciousness to wakefulness.

And for anyone who has gone through their own awakening process, we know for the most part this isn’t a light tap on the shoulder or a gentle nudge,

Often times it’s quite the opposite.

For many of us it’s been an unwelcomed SHOVE, a slap, a kick; a bucket of ice-cold water thrown into our face over and over and over again as we gasp for what little air can make its way into our lungs.

But how else would we listen?

How else would we be encouraged to pay attention to what actually matters?

When one begins to understand that the word Grace and the word Suffering are absolutely synonymous on the path to Unity, one has truly begun to ascend the ladder of densities.

One begins to intuit their way towards the Gates of The Kingdom, sensing more and more their permanent residence within the Crystalline Walls, all the while assisting the brethren of humanity along as well.

It’s a ride we’re on indeed, and it’s the ride we signed up for.

As always my intention for the content that I create is to bring peace of mind and ease of heart to the matters at hand.

In this TCT episode you’ll learn of some of the major, overarching energy spikes we’re experiencing as a collective along with a few tips to help the energy move through more easefully.

Stay tuned for an in-depth article with more tips & what you can expect as we progress along.

Much love Star Fam😊



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