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Brave Voyager,

You've heard the call towards new lands.

You've made your declaration to follow your North Star with a little more footing on the Path of Faith and a little less footing on the Path of Logic.

You've firmly announced your renunciation of horizons that have well served their purpose,

Ones that were likely well overdue their date of expiry.

Once you've set out towards these new horizons your point of focus will make or break how enjoyable the journey is for you.

This transitional period is not only required, it will not only color your levels of joy and bliss and freedom (or lack thereof) in your day-to-day,

But your point of focus will also be the determining factor in how soon you close the gap between realities;

Your attention is your mechanism for a quantum bridge,

And it is also your mechanism for a quantum retreat.

Both realities, the one you've left behind and the one that beckons your heart and soul to move forward, both will leave signs of their potential for you to notice.

The greatest challenge during this period is the ability to consistently redirect focus; choosing to acknowledge the signs of new lands and brighter beginnings; the things that confirm to you that your chosen reality is not only possible but already here -- no matter how small or far between they are at first.

Choosing to focus on the wake of nostalgic destruction behind you is like releasing your anchors at the same time you try to set your sails; it's working against you.

It's only an attachment to what was known that keeps you looking back over your shoulder even though you know the land you've left behind is barren.

Lighten your load of shoulds-coulds-woulds,

Set your sails by setting your focus,

And just remember that what you feel deeply in your heart to be true,

Is what will have no choice but to reveal itself to you.

You are worthy. You are capable. You are already there.

Who do you think it is calling you forward anyways?

Don't look back,




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