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What makes a good ass teacher & guide. (applies to every field)

So often we forget that Mastery is not something that happens to someone overnight.

We can look at a person, who seems to have a certain level of mastery over self,

In some cases maybe it’s in a particular niche or field,

And almost instantaneously, at least this has been true for me in past experiences; they’re placed on an invisible platform that begins to elevate itself in a position that seems to be far above wherever I think I’m at.

And I deeply feel that part of the reason that we seek to “be where they are” is because there’s a subconscious belief that they don’t experience the same issues that we do.

We think that somehow they're disconnected from the Morphic Field of Humanity and that all the lowly feelings and habits and ways of being no longer have power over them.

And while I do agree that this is the case to an extent,

My future self/Higher Self reminds me that Mastery,

Like the Universe itself,

Is an infinite, never ending journey of discovery; of creation and destruction.

And my experience being around people who have achieved an immense amount of success,

Whether you’re talking multimillionaires by 30,

Or people who have gained the following and admiration of millions,

Or people who are just highly specialized in any area that leaves many gawking at their expertise,

We need to remember that with success and mastery comes a-whole-nother level of pressure.

There's a new level of integrity and humility required in order sustain a position that would leave you on your deathbed feeling good that you kept your soul and achieved a significant amount of (perceived) success at the same time.

Many times we want to be The Teacher because to us it represents these unexplored ideas of having no problems,

You know that “grass is greener” kind of mentality.

Mastery requires sacrifice.

It requires dedication,

It requires giving up things that most people would consider a luxury because The Mission, our WHY, is what's most important.

When we are illusioned by life or an experience, situation, person – it can be easy to forget that just like you; this is an energetic field that is mired with complexity and endless layers of subtly.

And when we see someone who’s climbing towards the peak of mastery whether self-mastery or the mastery of a specific type of dance,

We also notice this natural inclination for this being to then extend their learnings to others;

They become so dedicated to the journey of transformation and enhancing their art form that it seems to be an inevitable step along the path of Remembrance;

It’s only when we’ve gained enough confidence through shamelessly throwing ourselves into the court that we may then be initiated as a trusted coach to others.

When I look back on some of the most impactful guides in my own life it was the people who I could feel were teaching from direct experience;

They understood the subtleties of multi-dimensionality;

Of navigating the tight rope of being pushed towards the Heavenly Realms and pulled by Fleshly Desire, Distraction, and Distortion;

They were fully immersed in the beautifully chaotic experience of being Divinity Incarnate.

Think about it: the MAJOR factor that inspires growth in any area in particular is feeling the dissatisfaction of where we’re currently at in said area.

It’s those areas that others initially felt significantly depleted in, that inspire them to write books like,

“How to win friends and influence people,”

Do you think inspiration rang for this endeavor because this person felt like a natural in the socializing department to begin with?

Or try on for size, “The subtle art of not giving a fuck,”

I wonder if this could've possibly been written because too many fucks were being dispersed in too many undeserving directions🤔

Then there's “The surrender experiment,”

“The universe has your back: transform fear to faith,”

“Everything is here to help you,”

…the list could go on much longer than required to make this point.

It’s in experiencing those pockets of shadow that keep us cycling through behaviors and thoughts and ways of being that feel constricting and limiting,

That encourage us to seek answers.

To take a deep dive into a journey of exploration,

Catapulting us towards our Divine Destiny,

Inevitably leading us to Embody the piece of the puzzle that only we can offer.

And the work doesn’t stop just because we’ve published an article or written a book,

No, no my friends.

The curriculum actually becomes more involved, more detailed; the realms to navigate become much more subtle and complex.

It’s those beings, who became so dedicated to their path,

So immersed in their Curriculum of a Human Lifetime,

It’s these beings that fall then stand,

Who trip then work to regain balance,

Who are “mired by blood” on the battlefield,

It's these beings that we usually go to for guidance, assuming they have the developed expertise in the areas we seek clarity in.

Intuitively we understand that this is where we’re going to extract the most juice from.

We understand that this being has likely experienced all the same emotions and pitfalls that we have,

They’ve probably come up against many wolves in sheep’s clothing,

Detours and roadblocks,

They have probably discovered some tips and tricks, some shortcuts along the way,

Or can at least direct us away from destructive routes.

We seek these beings because they’ve been through the gamut

And we admire their tenacity,

We commend their commitment and dedication to their mission

To The Mission;

In the presence of these people there’s an undeniable air of authority that comes from being put through the ringer so many times,

It's the self-confidence and conviction that's built from trial and error,

From earned victories and experiencing the firsthand pay off of perseverance and “slow and steady.”

That’s what makes an epic fuckin' teacher.

Not someone who’s criticizing on the sidelines,

Or putting in their two cents of how they think someone should have done it,

Theorizing the best ways to go about something.

We have little respect for the opinions of those types of people because they haven’t actually done the work,

They haven’t gone through the blood and sweat and tears to have any type of authority in what they’re preaching to their imagined choir.

The nitty gritty is what makes the teacher,

The Sadhana becomes the Container of Purification,

And regardless of what the field is,

Anyone who’s in the role of a guide or mentor knows that the learning never ends,

And the challenges along the way are only meant to shatter old belief systems,

To reveal greater levels of True Freedom,

To soften the heart,

And to shape the Teacher.

In this weeks recorded transmission, let’s plunge even deeper.

Here’s to Cosmic Exploring…

Travel Light😁




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