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7 Ways to Reduce Anxiety TODAY

Greetings sensitive souls! Here are seven things you can do today to help alleviate some of those anxiety related ascension symptoms you're probably experiencing.

the first two points aren't so much tools to lessening anxiety as they are about reducing our resistance to it. which in turn actually does lessen it. so....scratch the first part. the last point offers a powerful energetic cleansing process you can do tonight before bed. bless!

1. understand this is part of waking up.

it can be extremely disheartening: on one side you have written in your soul's blueprint the desire and ability to live from a place of harmony. to uplift and heal others. you have felt a deep sense of purpose since you can remember. on the other side you are experiencing inner energetics that leave you questioning your sanity sometimes and feeling doubtful about your influence much of the time. the past few years I've viewed my high levels of anxiety as the biggest road block on my path until I was gradually given reminders in various forms that said: this IS the path. it’s part of the bigger picture. when you know at the very least that there is an extremely intense energetic process occurring on our planet it opens the doorway for grace. there is nothing "wrong" with you. nothing to fix. no feelings to visualize your way out of in fear of what you might attract. let it unfold.


you're feeling not only your own process but you can feel it unraveling in others too. so, lucky you! you get to feel it tenfold.

I don't pardon the sarcasm because I know you get it - being so sensitive can feel like a legit curse. like there's no way in hell I chose this for myself??? BUT sweet soul, we did choose this. know that everything you're feeling is actually a really good sign, even if in the moment it feels incapacitating. it's my honor to remind you that the greatest challenges in our lives, when welcomed with curiosity and a desire to evolve, become our greatest gifts to humanity. I can't wait to see what you do.

3. explore your resources.

I'm sure if you're on this site you are already doing this, but just gotta reiterate: research. study. explore metaphysics and quantum science. get an idea of how energy works and moves. learn about the spiritual nature of this YOUniverse. watch videos and read books. talk to other conscious explorers. it can be overwhelming with all the information we have access to but know you will be guided to the right content. just follow that inner compass, baby.

4. find your peoples.

even if an online community is all you have access to, there is such a relief that comes when you are surrounded by people that get it. that won't hold spiritual ideals over your head or try to diagnose your mental health. be wary of those that suggest you should be feeling anything else than what you're feeling and move towards those that hold space for your inner child as much as your inner Creator.

5. find a mentor or coach.

here are a few online mentors I HIGHLY recommend checking out. each of them offers one on one coaching-type sessions. their content is for those who are on the higher end of the sensitivity spectrum and eloquently shed light on what you may be experiencing on your path of awakening. most of them give monthly energy readings. again, I can't stress how helpful it has been for me to have a variety resources that map out energetic patterns on a planetary level. you might be surprised to find much of what you think you're feeling as your own "stuff" is actually what you're picking up from the collective.

the first two mentioned host retreats and gatherings around the world. you can find them all on YouTube and Facebook:

Lee Harris

Matt Kahn

Victor Oddo

Phil Good

Jared Bull @ Transformational Coaching

6. express what you're feeling.

whether talking to someone who gets you. journaling. making videos and posting them on the socials. LET IT OUT. I do this thing - the areas my ego would feel the most exposed is where I express exactly what it's wanting me to keep to myself. even if it's scary in the moment, it's fucking liberating. I always feel more expanded and integrated as a result. giving voice to these parts of ourselves that feel the darkest, dustiest, and hardest to love is actually healing in itself. we take back the energy that we've put towards hiding these aspects of ourselves.

think of it this way - is it not healing for you when you hear someone just be real about what they're going through? chances are you'll really help others embrace their own humanity by doing so and that's really what this is all about.

7. adopt a practice that allows your body to feel relaxed as emotion is released.

in electrical theory, the less resistance in a wire the more easily it can carry energy. when we create a state of non resistance in the body, stored negative energy is able to move and we are more able to embody our light as a result.

do not underestimate how quickly things can actually get moving for you in the right setting. whether it's breathwork, meditating or healing from a trusted energy practitioner - the important thing is to keep the body in a state of relaxation as emotions arise. let me give you a tangible example of how simple this can look:

I performed a bath ritual the other night. just crystals, salts, some essential oils, and my sweet self. the water was hot but not uncomfortable. I understood what was happening as the healing began to unfold. my body was completely at rest. muscles were relaxed. I was in a state of mental ease. the perfect conditions for pent up emotions to rise. as my body melted into utter relaxation, different sensations and images started emerging. along with that came a noticeable change in my nervous and respiratory systems. my heart began racing which meant my breath needed to become deep, slow and steady rather than quick and shallow. I felt my physical heart pounding but even more I felt what I can only describe as an opening in my energetic heart center - like it's intelligence knew this was a safe space to feel and be recognized by me.

all I needed to do was to feel what was coming up as it came up. I spoke to my heart. apologized for the times I neglected it. I fully let it express it's healing to me. I cried. I held myself. I surrendered to the waves as they came. I felt cleansed and light after.

I was in bed by 11 yet up until 3 in the morning from the amount of clearing that happened in one session. I actually remember muttering to myself about not being able to sleep, ha! never satisfied ;) but the next day I noticed an incredible difference in my interactions with others and how I felt in general. more heart centered. connected. spacious and available to the world. I still noticed intensity at times but it felt like I had reprogrammed my response to it. instead of contracting around the sensations I easily surrendered to them and they were able to pass on through.

that's it for now. what insights or practices have assisted your journey with anxiety? sharing is caring! comment below. peace.


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