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4 Game Changing Tips to Remember on the Accelerated Path

first of all, wth is an accelerated path?

thanks to matt kahn for this delicious analogy I'll be using. I'm gonna tweak it to make it my own.

the path we walk can be likened to a moving sidewalk you might see at an airport.

the moving sidewalk is heading in one direction. it will pass through certain areas, certain predetermined stages to facilitate the greatest evolution of the consciousness residing in the vehicle you refer to as your body. it would be "nice" to say that most people are choosing to stand on the sidewalk, letting it take them where it will. the reality is, many people are choosing to walk in the opposite direction that the sidewalk is moving in, not really getting anywhere. some people even get off the sidewalk completely, maybe to hop back on at a later time. some prefer the zig-zag, two step, bump and thump kinda dance. and it's definitely true that people can oscillate between all of these. but the accelerated path means that a person is walking, jogging or even sprinting in the same direction the sidewalk is moving. which is why much of the time, when you've gained enough momentum coupled with trust in the YOUniverse, it feels like the choices are being made for you. most of the time, your direction is crystal clear. your decisions feel like no brainers. you sense what the overall vision is for your life's trajectory and you align with what supports that vision.

this is where the balance between Will and Faith comes into play. the soul carries certain themes it desires to explore (faith/destiny) and it's up to you whether you postpone those lessons or you run with them (free will), with the wind beneath your sails.

4 things you MUST remember when on the accelerated path:

1) it requires sacrifice

this is kind of a catch 22. because the sacrifice that is required on the accelerated path is that which keeps you bound to the wheel of samsara. or in other words, all of the shit that you've collected along your path that was never yours to begin with. that which keeps you suffering. doubting. painfully faking your way through everyday life. who are you robbing though? the other people that are also painfully faking their lives? you rob yourself. you innocently discard the reason why you've incarnated on this planet for social approval and the status quo you came to radically shift. I say all of this with compassion. as long as we are on this earth plane, we will experience some level of distorted vision. however, when your priorities shift from living for others to living for Truth, sacrifice is realized as the ultimate gatekeeper to freedom.

2) be okay with frequent changes in your reality

the accelerated path means that you are dancing with life and your highest destiny. it means you are engaging with your life in a way that is very calculated to you but probably doesn't make a lot of sense to those around you. things seem to change quickly, not because you are trying to control your outer circumstances but because your internal world is shifting so rapidly that your outer reality has no choice but to reflect those changes. the curriculum is self-paced. so at the pace you are extracting the lessons life brings you is the pace you will receive new material to work with. material that will increase your mastery. this is not to say if your outer reflection isn't changing that YOU are not changing. sometimes we are kept in familiar scenery longer than we may desire, for a purpose that will only make sense when the plot eventually twists. on the direct route, what we learn to crave is the kind of liberation only made possible by inner excavation, regardless of how heavy, messy, and inconvenient it may feel at times.

3) don't try to explain yourself to others

at the beginning, while it may be fun and exciting to divulge the course of events to others in relation to your soul's expansion, the more you stick with this the more complicated it will become to translate the multidimensionality - all the layers, all the learnings, all the synchronicities - of even one single event. there may be a very select few you can bounce reflections off of who don't allow their insecurities and limiting ideas to dilute your punch bowl. and even then, sharing too much with others can diminish the magic behind the sacred realizations that were meant only for you to notice and appreciate.

4) expect people to be triggered by your rapid expansion

it's interesting to note what's happening on a subtle, energetic/interpersonal level. the false self in others can sense the false self in you being annihilated bit by bit. as you consciously work to dismantle false pretenses, old habits, negative ideas and thought forms, people sense the distance between where you're moving and where they want to be. it makes them uncomfortable to see an undeniable example of what's possible and what they're not choosing. it reminds them on a spirit level the ways in which they are not living in alignment with their highest vision and for this they may experience unfounded resentment towards you. they may speak "encouragement" from a place that doesn't actually have your best interest at hand. the important thing to remember is that others likely don't realize that they're subconsciously trying to sabotage you in order to avoid looking at the painful areas they steal from themselves. I've been on both sides of this, so I can speak with conviction and understanding.

please remember that preserving the small self is absolutely the most unloving offering you can provide anyone. what you water in others is a reflection of what you water in yourself. what are you choosing?

as always, I choose topics that reflect the themes I'm noticing arising in my own hologram. and because ultimately we are One in the Same, it is likely you are experiencing nuances of what I'm exploring in ways that are relevant to your life. what did this bring up for you? let's dialogue below.

1 Comment

Oct 27, 2018

Amazing post 💥💫

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