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Breathwork Journeys

Group of young afro american and caucasian sporty people practicing yoga lesson lying in D

Metamorphic Breathwork containers are extended breathing journeys where you will be safely guided into an altered state of consciousness. It’s within these altered states of consciousness that deep transformation and powerful insight can occur. Think of these containers similar to a shamanic plant medicine journey; one journey every few months can be extremely useful but more frequent than that is not necessarily needed or beneficial. 


Behind The Technique

In a breathwork journey, I will guide you through one of two approaches, yin or yang, depending on the state of polarity within the student. When we safely hyper-oxygenate our bodies, we court greater Life Force energy into our system. Greater embodiment of Light means that massive breakthroughs that vastly alter our inner landscape are very common. With this technique of breath, we remove the veil between the subconscious and conscious minds and we awaken our inner guide to show us whatever needs to be seen or felt in order to embody a more expanded version of self. This can oftentimes involve identifying certain limiting perspectives and karmic patterns in this life, empowering us to create new behaviors and ‘recode’ on the deepest and most effective levels. Other types of release can include deep laughter, tears, and an overall sense of gratitude for our life and the people in it.


1.5-2 Hour Containers

-Intro to the technique + safety and guidelines
-60-80 minutes of active and integrative breathing
-Post journey sharing and processing


Price Per Session
Single Sessions $150 USD

***In order to honor my time & avoid no-shows, payments must be made with your reservation prior to our session to lock your spot in my calendar. Payment links can be found on my booking page.


Moving Forward 

Book your session here. If you are in the Portland, OR - Vancouver, WA area I am offering in-person journeys in addition to Zoom. Email me at with any questions!

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