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Life Purpose & Clarity Readings

What to expect:


🔮 A 20-30 minute recorded reading e-mailed to you


📧 E-mail correspondence regarding any follow-up questions to your reading


Please follow all steps to complete the purchase of your reading:


👉  Select your spread or email me for a custom spread (


👉 Submit the questionnaire below & include any details that would provide helpful context regarding your reading


👉 Submit your payment of $85 USD via payment buttons below


Please allow 2-5 business days to receive your reading once your payment & questionnaire have been submitted.


Select Your Spread

Soul Spread 1 // Your Unfolding Destiny

What your Higher Self wants for you in this life, resistances that hold you back, the gifts & talents that help move you forward, the next step your Higher Self would like you to take.


Soul Spread 2 // Fated Life vs Destiny Life

Addresses the “fated life” / the call of the ego / the most obvious path to take; the “destiny life” / the call of your soul / the road less traveled; and the bridge / leap / challenge to face or action you’re being guided to take (inspired by The Starseed Oracle Deck by Rebecca Campbell).


Soul Spread 3 // Soul Gifts

Addresses your innate gifts and talents you came to bring to the planet, what you came here to heal, what you came here to learn, what’s challenging you the most, what your soul is calling you towards (inspired by The Starseed Oracle Deck by Rebecca Campbell).


Soul Spread 4 // Your Personal Power

How you can step into your personal power, how to become a more evolved version of self, how to let go of self-limiting beliefs, why you need to trust your personal power, something your heart wants at this time.


Soul Spread 5 // Connect with your Spirit Guides

Addresses a Spirit Guide that has a message for you, the message your guide would like to give you in this moment, something your guide has been trying to convey that you’ve not been receptive to in the past, how to be more open to messages from this guide in the future, what this guide is assisting you with currently on your path.


Soul Spread 6 // Deepen Your Intuition

How to develop your intuition, how to be more receptive to messages from your Higher Self, what clouds your intuition, what you still need to learn, a message from your Higher Self.


Soul Spread 7 // The Options Spread

This is a great spread when there is a decision to be made between two or more options; addresses the suggested action for each choice, unforeseen consequences for each choice (positive or negative), & likely outcome for each option (inspired by Cassandra Eason's A Little Bit of Tarot).


Soul Spread 8 // General Life Guidance

Who you are right now, are you on the right path, what's the main obstacle standing in your way, what circumstances are in your favor and helping you out, how you can make progress, what to expect in the next 2-3 months.


Soul Spread 9 // Dharma Business Spread

Where is your business at right now, what area of business would most benefit from your focus this month, what is a challenge you may encounter, what perspective would most serve you to keep in mind as you navigate the next 1-3 months, what are the likely wins / successes you will experience in the next 1-3 months, a piece of advice from your guides.


Soul Spread 10 // Past Life Learnings

Addresses a past life that is directly influencing/relevant to your current life & lessons. Who you were, what you did, the challenges you faced, what lessons you learned, how this past life is influencing your present life.




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