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This was one of the darkest Dark Nights I've experienced.
Hi Star Family😊 I know, I know… the sound is FUNKY the first few minutes of this video for whatever reason, I did everything I could to...

This was the most refreshing conversation
The mark of maturity is when two beings of *seemingly* conflicting belief systems can come together, look past those things that seem to...

Saturn Return: Current Gains & Losses
Episode 2 came so quick!😁 In today's video I give a bit of insight into the polarizing nature that this planetary event, known as a...

Saturn Return in Aquarius. Everything has crumbled.
For those going through their Saturn Return right now too... hey, how ya doin?😅 For those who just like sippin' the tea with me,...

#1 lesson I learned from being 'cancelled' + cancel culture
I ain't even mad about it. Thanks for the catalyst😎 Go in love friends, Marissa Watch the video here.

He broke things off.
Was toying between titles like, "he 'broke things off' (but nothing changed)" and "he broke things off (honoring the soul over the ego)...

Brave Voyager, You've heard the call towards new lands. You've made your declaration to follow your North Star with a little more footing...

When you wear your beliefs on your face.
We underestimate this simple yet powerful truth that the sages, ancients, mystics and seers have been communicating to humanity for...

Welp. They banned me.
Annnnnd the Modern Day Witch Trials continue. When one version of right and another version of right begin to conflict, who's version do...

I cannot believe this happened.😷😤
My intention with the content I produce is to share my experiences and learnings with others, keeping in mind that what I embody and...

A tribute to my mom. 10 years after suicide.
Sweet friends, I’ve created this video today as a tribute to a beautiful Earth Angel, my mother. Yesterday/today mark the 10th year...

Navigating infidelity. Honoring each soul's journey💕
Like I mention in this video, I reflect on and communicate the circumstances I've navigated in my own life as an opportunity to...

How Spirit triggers us through our partners for healing❣️ (storytime📖)
In today's video I share a real-time example of how Spirit will sometimes shift energies within one individual in order to draw out...

Should your relationship be open or closed?💘 Romantic Couterparts✨
Chances are if you've dabbled within the spiritual communities for some time, you've seen and heard and maybe even experienced yourself,...

Healing the trauma body✨ Spiritual work in soulmate dynamics📖
What's up my sweet friends✨ I have noticed over the years that what helps me put concepts to practice is hearing real-time examples of...

My journey with epilepsy & fainting spells (spiritual illnesses, western medicine, & more)
Hey Star Family💞 How ya'll doin with everything? Firstly I want to say, I appreciate you all so much. I appreciate all the love that you...

My positive journey as a “single mom” (5d / New Earth Parenting)
My boy Plato. He left a juicy nugget behind for Humanity. He said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." The life where we step into...

He called me delusional ✨Storytime✨ Choose your delusion.
We all choose our delusions; We choose our symbols, interpretations, and confusions. We choose our layers and invest in the illusions,...

Losing my parents by 24 | What it’s taught me so far
I never… like ever…. like never ever EVER thought I’d release a video of me ugly crying on the internet. But alas here I sit, typing the...

Virus: The Story of a Young Girl and Her Body
This article is actually the result of a speech I delivered in Toastmasters last year. It's one that I wish I had on film because of two...
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